Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,246

his pocket and pulled out a lacy black thong which he'd clearly stolen from Tatum and I grabbed it before Blake could.

"Mine," I growled, claiming that prize more than happily.

"Asshole," Blake muttered.

"I'm okay with that," I assured him.

Saint had already made it to his black mom-mobile which was parked up at the front of the lot in the special parking place he'd had arranged for himself when we started attending college here. He'd said something about a sizeable donation and that had been explanation enough for his entitled treatment. Saint might have learned some of the errors of his ways, but he was always going to be a stuck-up prick. Leopards didn’t just change their spots and all that. But I liked to think the good in him made up for the bad. Most of the time.

We piled into the car and before long we were pulling up at the private airport, all while listening to Blake lament the fact that we were missing the party tonight and that he hadn't been allowed to say goodbye to anyone. Saint explained that no one was really important enough to warrant a special farewell and we all grumbled about that, texting the friends we'd made and promising to meet up with them over the summer or whenever. We couldn’t exactly set any definitive dates tough. Who fucking knew what Saint had planned?

The private jet was ready and waiting on the runway like Saint had said, all of our luggage already onboard and I just gave in to his insanity as I boarded, not caring enough to argue over it. For someone who hated surprise changes of plans, he sure liked springing them on the rest of us.

The flight took five and a half hours, during which time I managed to join the mile-high club twice, much to my pleasure. Blake and Saint had also spent time alone in the rear cabin with our girl, but Kyan had been forced to sit his turn out in his seat as punishment for his earlier stunt with a ball gag in his mouth. Saint had spent an hour giving Tatum her punishment in private and the look on her face when he was done said she didn't exactly feel all that chastised.

Fuck knew what the flight crew thought of us, but I was well past giving a shit about judgemental assholes. We were the kings of the world worshipping our queen. No. Better than that: we were the Night Keepers satisfying our Night Bound. It didn't need to make sense to anyone aside from the five of us.

Following the flight, we piled into yet another brand spanking new mom-mobile of the exact same make and colour and Tatum insisted we leave all of the windows down so that we could enjoy the west coast heat as the sun started its descent towards the horizon.

We'd all given up on questioning Saint on our destination and I let my head drop back against the headrest, holding Tatum close as I fell asleep and she leaned her head against my chest.

"Keep your eyes closed," Saint's voice jolted me awake and I almost didn't do as he asked, but Tatum's hand moved over my eyes to stop me from opening them.

I still peeked out from beneath her hand, though all I could see was her looking cute as hell, her eyes shut tight as she leaned on me, clearly knowing I wouldn't have played along if she didn't force me to.

The car came to a halt and Saint got out before opening my door and tugging on my arm to make me step out too.

"No cheating," Tatum warned before taking her hand from my eyes and I sighed as I did what they wanted, letting Saint walk me over a stone pathway before he stood me next to Blake, my arm brushing his.

Kyan moved to stand on my other side next and finally the sound of Saint and Tatum's footsteps approached us last.

"Tell me what you feel, siren," Saint encouraged and she laughed lightly like she was enjoying herself, so I held my tongue and waited for her answer.

"The sun on my face," she breathed. "A sea breeze, waves lapping against a beach. It's...so quiet here. I feel calm, safe. Happy because I'm here with all of you. What's this about, Saint?"

"We needed somewhere to live now that we've graduated," he replied simply and that really got my attention. "And I remembered all of the things you told me

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