Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,221

like she gave a damn about Jess and bile rose in my throat.

“Don’t stand there and pretend she meant something to you,” I growled, grief welling up in me over this bitch being responsible for the very virus which had killed my sister. “I’ve seen what people like you do at Royaume D’élite. I know the pain you cause, the blood you spill. You’re not capable of loving someone other than yourself.”

“You’re wrong,” she said with emotion in her eyes. “I loved you and Josie more than anything in the world. But you’ve been poisoned by society. It’s too late for you to be like me now.”

“I would rather die than be like you,” I spat, disgusted at the mere prospect.

Her eyes darkened and she shifted the gun in her grip like she wanted to fire it. But she didn’t. “I suppose I punished you all in the end. Perhaps you deserve the fate awaiting you, Tatum. Perhaps it will teach you the value of power. Because you hold all of it in your veins now.”

“The vaccine you mean?” I growled.

“Yes,” she sighed. “After I had your father tricked into stealing the virus and the new vaccine from his own lab and handing them over to one of Troy’s contacts, Mortez, it soon became clear the vaccine wasn’t entirely effective. But it wasn’t a total failure. The security cameras caught him and voila, the whole world had a new enemy. An enemy I made of him,” she purred. “In his final days, he was hated by everyone, he was shown for the weakling he was-”

“My father was not weak!” I roared and she stepped forward, pressing the gun to my thigh.

“We might need you, girl, but we don’t need all of you. Watch your tone or I’ll start your punishment now.”

“What punishment?” I hissed.

She started smiling and I took a deep breath to stop myself from lunging for her, keeping my head level, preparing for my next move. But it was nearly impossible to remain within that calm place inside me. Because this bitch had been the cause of all of this. She was responsible for my dad’s death, the reason he lay in ashes in a box, the reason he would never hold me again, the reason I’d never hear his voice or feel his touch. He was gone because of this atrocious woman. And I would make sure she bled out at my feet by the end of this night.

“We have until morning before my men arrive to take you to our new lab in the mountains so we can restart our work on creating a vaccine. I couldn’t believe it when Troy discovered you and the secret you hold. Fate led you to bump into his own son and give the game away. I find it rather amusing that the very place your father tried to hide you led to me finding you again. And what a delightful surprise your miracle blood was. I guess your father did something worthwhile after all.”

My breaths came heavily as my fingers bit into my palms. “I’m not going to some fucking lab again.”

“You will. And you’ll bleed for us in payment for your father’s arrogance,” she said, sounding disappointed. “Troy was in quite the rage when you were rescued from his lab the first time, so we’ll be taking measures to ensure that won’t be possible again.”

“What measures?” I spat.

She tugged on a rope beside the curtains and they drew back, revealing a balcony that looked down on large room with two huge wooden crosses set up beside one another. Nash and Blake were strapped to them, stripped down to their boxers, their arms and legs locked in place against the wooden X. Nash had a bright red cross painted across his chest and Blake had a blue one, marking them out like fucking cattle.

“No!” I gasped in horror, leaping out of my seat as the loud music blared from somewhere below.

Anger and fear swirled in their eyes as they fought against their restraints, but I didn’t think they could see me with the spotlights shining in their eyes, making my heart twist up into a knot of terror. “Blake – Nash!” I yelled and their eyes widened as they fought harder to get free, calling my name in reply.

“Let them go!” I screamed, rounding on Karen, about to lunge for that gun when the door opened and the other Grand Masters poured into the room, taking seats to watch

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