Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,195

could be just what the doctor ordered."

"Consider it done," I agreed. "Just as soon as I kill my father."

Niall barked a laugh and Liam clapped his hand into Kyan's in farewell.

"You would have been everything this family needs," Liam said seriously, regret shining in his eyes as he was forced to let him go. But he hadn’t grown an empire this powerful without understanding how to pick your battles and he’d clearly seen that this was one he couldn’t win. Smart man. I would have liked him if he wasn’t such an insufferable prick.

"But that's not what I need," Kyan said just as seriously.

Liam nodded and we took our leave, Niall's raucous laughter following us as he shouted encouragement at our backs. Crazy motherfucker.

"Is it done?" Tatum asked as we stepped back out into the hall and Kyan's face broke into a huge grin.

"Clear and free, baby," he announced, sweeping her up into his arms and making her laugh as he stole a kiss from her lips.

“Let’s go get my dad back,” Blake snarled, the fury in his eyes burning viciously and I knew the demon in him was aching for release.

We turned and headed for the door in a close-knit group and Nash cupped his hands around his mouth, calling back before we stepped out into the cold air of the night. "Byeeee Felicia!"

I snorted a laugh as the door swung closed on one of our problems and I lifted my chin as I looked up at the moon hanging low in the sky. I just wished my father would be so easy to vanquish. But I doubted there was much chance of that.

W e drove north for several hours and I fiercely anticipated reaching our next destination. Because as soon as we arrived wherever the hell Saint was taking us (he’d been pretty damn cagey so far about the details), I knew it wouldn’t be long before we were seeking justice for everything Troy had done and making his screams echo into the night. We’d had to take the back roads to avoid the army blockades and I had the feeling that had made this trip far longer than it would have been if we could have taken the highways. But we were so close to taking down Troy and we couldn’t risk being caught now. I knew Saint would have been even more thorough than necessary in that task.

Blake had descended into a dark silence beside me in the back of the car, his hand locked around mine as I offered him any comfort I could. My heart was gilded in pain for the fear that must have been plaguing him. I wouldn’t rest until his father was safe, returned to his son’s side. But until then, I knew my golden boy would keep hurting, fearing the worst and dwelling in the pain he already felt over losing his mother.

We headed into a valley below the mountains and thick forest swept out around us like artist’s strokes through the roiling landscape, lit up by the frosty moonlight.

Saint turned off the road and took a winding track through sprawling farmland and we eventually pulled up outside a beautiful old farmhouse with a long wooden porch, the lights in the windows giving it a cosy aura.

“Stay here.” Saint got out, heading up to the house and knocking on the door.

A woman exited with a carpet bag under her arm, nodding to Saint as they shared a few words before placing a key in his hand. She walked over to a blue truck, got in and drove off down the track we’d just come from.

Saint beckoned us out of the car, and I exited after Blake with a sigh of relief, desperate to stretch my legs. I gazed up at the sky as the first stars came out to wink at me and my breath fogged up in a plume above me. The air was much colder here, and I guessed there would be a frost tonight judging by the glittering icy droplets already forming on the grass.

“What is this place?” Blake grunted.

“A stop over,” Saint announced.

Blake wheeled around to face him with his teeth bared. “I’m not waiting another night to go after my dad.” He squared up to Saint who didn’t seem phased by his display of aggression and my heart tugged for my golden boy.

“It isn’t up to you. We cannot make it to where he is today,” Saint said, moving forward to press his forehead to

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