Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,192

"Practical clothing. Then pack a bag - wash stuff. Things to sleep in, enough food for tonight. I'll have the rest delivered after that."

No one questioned me and they all began stripping out of the formal wear they'd worn to dinner hours ago.

I pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants and discarded my towel in the hamper before moving deeper into the closet to grab some more clothes to bring. Tatum followed me inside and I turned to find her dressed in sweats and a hoodie too, though hers werre pink and made her look far sweeter than she was.

"Jesus, Saint," she muttered, looking me over.

"What?" I asked as I moved to grab clothes for her too.

"Just...you picked grey sweats. You know what that does to a girl, right?"

"No. What?"

"Well... I can basically see your dick outlined through them and considering how big yours is, there’s plenty to look at. And that gives me ideas I shouldn't be having when we have to follow through on your master plan."

I glanced down at my pants with a frown and she went on.

"And you're doing that whole, 'I rule the world thing' with the glaring and serial killer eyes. If you're not careful I'll jump you before we even make it out of here,” she added in a purr that said she hadn’t entirely forgotten where our bodies had been leading us before I got that call.

I cocked my head at her teasing tone as I stalked closer, making her back up against the wall until our chests were touching and we were sharing the same breath.

"You don't want me to break right now," I assured her, and she licked her lips.

"Pretty sure I'd be okay with it," she countered.

Temptation warred beneath my skin and the desire to do just that ran through me, but I knew she didn't really mean it and I couldn't either. We had a job to do and it couldn't wait. But I appreciated her trying to give me something to think about other than this endless abyss of chaos that was opening up around us.

"I promise to give you my worst just as soon as our lives are no longer at risk," I growled, leaning in and kissing her hard, but all too briefly as I jerked away again and stalked from the closet. Another moment in her company and my self-control would snap.

I pulled on a t-shirt and a grey hoodie to match my sweats before tossing the bag I'd packed over my shoulder and leading the way out of the room.

Kyan fell into step by my side and the others flanked Tatum behind us.

"You sure about this?" Kyan asked and I nodded once.

Liam O'Brien was a much simpler monster than my father. I could finish him easily enough. At least I hoped so.

We didn't stop until we made it downstairs and to the smoking parlour that Liam liked to retire to after dinner.

"We'll wait out here," Nash said, holding back with Blake and Tatum as we headed towards the door.

"It won't take long," I replied as Kyan moved ahead of me.

The scent of cigarettes wafted from beneath the door before I even pulled it open and the sound of male voices reached us as we stepped inside.

"I was about to come find you bunch of bastards," Niall said happily as he raised his glass to us before draining the lot.

Liam seemed intrigued by our interruption, his gaze sliding from Kyan to me as he leaned back in his leather chair and stubbed out his cigarette.

"What can I do ya for, lad?" he asked, his question for Kyan as we came to sit at the table with them.

"We're leaving," Kyan said, not beating around the bush and I had to say I liked that about him a lot. "Tonight. Something's come up and Blake's dad is in trouble."

"It doesn't much sound like that's your problem," Liam said, arching a brow at him.

"It is," Kyan disagreed. "Because Blake is my brother, his family is my family."

"You can just pick and choose yer family now, can ya?" Niall asked, rubbing a hand over his chin like that idea intrigued him. "That seems mighty convenient."

"It is what it is," Kyan said simply.

"No," Liam replied, not surprising either of us. "It's clear to me that while this virus is still on the loose you won't be returning to that fancy boarding school of yours, which means it's time for you to return home to us permanently. If your friends

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