Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,120

fuck ain't true by the looks of their faces and the names on their documentation."

"Maybe they went through the foster system together?" the woman replied.

"Who knows? All we know for certain is that their blood samples have raised the interest of the people at the top. Something about their levels of immunity being off the charts in comparison to everyone else. So let's just concentrate on securing them and hope that this could be a good thing for all of us."

"Fuck," I breathed, looking around as the voices drew closer to the entrance to the dark, green tent but when my eyes fell on the space where Saint had just been, I found him already half way outside beneath the bottom of the canvas.

Kyan grabbed my arm and gave me a shove to make me follow and I did so instantly, dropping down onto my belly and army crawling out beneath the tightly pegged canvas.

Saint caught my hand and hauled me upright, pressing a finger to his lips as we crouched in the narrow gap between our tent and the one beside it. The front of his clothes were smothered in mud and I glanced down to find myself in the same condition.

The moon hung low beneath a fine haze of clouds above us and my breath fogged in the cold air as I looked up at the dark sky, thankful for the cover it offered as my pulse raced with the thought of getting caught.

Monroe was right on my heels and I heaved him up beside me before Kyan scrambled out.

We'd had to abandon our bags, but there wasn't anything in them aside from a few clothes and toiletries anyway, so who gave a fuck?

We didn't dare move, nothing passing between us but ragged breaths and silence as we hid in the shadows and waited for the soldiers to draw closer.

"Dammit, they're not here," the man huffed from inside the canvas.

"Of course they're not. Nothing is ever that simple, is it?" the woman sighed. "I'll put an alert out, send their photos around the rest of the unit and make sure someone rounds them up."

"Go and ask around the neighbouring tents to see if anyone knows where they went," the man snapped and there was a chorus of ‘yes sirs’ that made it clear a whole squad had just come looking for us. Shit, this was bad.

"I'm not gonna end up as a guinea pig in some lab," Kyan growled in a low voice as his hands curled into fists and I agreed with him wholeheartedly on that.

"Niall or not, we need to get the fuck out of here," I hissed and the others all nodded as a group of soldiers hurried past the gap we were hiding in, splitting off to ask the people in the surrounding tents about us.

We looked between each other as we tried to decide whether to stay hidden here until they left or take this chance to run and Saint jerked his head towards the rear of the tent.

I nodded my agreement, wanting to run rather than wait here like sitting ducks and we all started creeping along after him.

Saint hesitated when he reached the end of the line of tents then leapt out of the gap and darted across a muddy walkway before slipping into a gap between the next row of tents.

I raced after him with Kyan and Nash right behind me and we hurried down another narrow gap, my back brushing one of the tents as I was forced to move along sideways to fit through.

The sounds of more soldiers calling out to each other and jogging in formation kept reaching us. I couldn't decide if there were more of them about than earlier or if it just seemed that way to me because I knew we were being hunted.

As we made it to another pathway, a huge floodlight suddenly came on from a watchtower to our right and my pulse thundered as I ducked down quickly, taking cover from its penetrating gaze behind one of the tents as I looked between my brothers in fear.

"How the fuck are we supposed to get out of here?" Nash hissed, his blue eyes wide with concern.

"We focus on what matters to us," Saint growled. "What matters more than anything else. The one thing we have to get back to. You put her to the front of your mind, and you don't fucking stop until she's in your arms again. Got it?"

"Hell yes,"

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