Pushing Limits (Fighting Love #1) - kali cross Page 0,89

and a hard worker. Run for my first public office in a major city. I’m considering here, Chicago, or LA. They are all major cities with a significant Hispanic presence. I’ll start off in a local race and run for a single term in city government, preferably a comptroller or deputy mayor position. Make all the suitable connections to secure backing for a run for Congress, the Senate or a governorship, finally the White House.” His tone is confident laced with a bit of arrogance. I stare into his eyes. The black is lit from within and almost seems to twinkle. His mouth is spread into a playful grin.

It takes a boatload of confidence to admit you want to run for President. Wow.

“That’s quite a plan.” I chew my burger and wonder why his wife has to have a suitable background and be independently wealthy. He probably doesn’t want a wife that will drain his family’s wealth since he’ll probably need it to run for office. I’m sure he’ll campaign and take contributions from donors but with that confidence and that smile, they’ll probably be begging to give him money. Funny, there wasn’t an even passing mention of love in his plan.

“So tell me about your family.” He stretches his legs out under the booth. “What about your parents? “

“My Dad doesn’t work. My mom is deputy mayor of Chicago.”

“Really? I thought I sensed a political background, pequena.”’ Yeah, my right eye. I bet he already knew about my parents and has even had me vetted.

“And you didn’t know who my mother was. Really, Bobby? Be honest.”

“Ok, I did know who your mother was, but I want to know about you.” He winces, but at the same time, his eyes are twinkling. “Tell me why you chose Texas College?”

“I didn’t, my mother did. But Austin is starting to grow on me. I like it here. What do your parents do?”

“My family runs a foundation called ‘Hispanic Outreach.’ They also have a few businesses, but mainly they focus on their foundation. The entire family is passionate about getting a Latino into the White House.”

“Sounds like a lot of pressure on you. I take it you are their first choice for the first Latino president,” I say. I’m completely serious and have no idea how someone takes that level of expectation from their family. My crap seems like a pittance compared to this load of shit. Geez, I never thought I would ever in a million years think someone was worse than my mom. Compared to the pressure he must be getting from his family, my mother’s requests seem almost reasonable. Almost.

“Yes that’s the plan.” He smiles.

We finish our burgers and walk back to the dorm. Bobby talks the whole way back and to his credit, he asks me lots of questions. Even though I try to get him to leave once we reach the dorm, and in the lobby, and at the elevator. He refuses, and walks me all the way up to my door. We stand there, and I feel sixteen again. I’m surprised at how nervous I am. I try not to think about kissing him, but it seems like it’s all I can think about. I pull my keys out and slide the key in the lock.

“You’re not going to invite me in? I thought we had fun, pequena.” His mouth is curved into a wicked grin.

“I think I want to take things slow for once. I’m sorry. I have an early appointment with my advisor, and I need to hit the sheets.”

“I like the sound of that. Hit the sheets. Me gustaría darle las hojas con usted.” He takes my face in his hands and kisses me. It’s deep and sensual and I lose myself in it. He slides his tongue along my lip, deepening the kiss. I moan in his mouth, and his arms tighten around me. His lips are soft. His tongue tosses and turns with mine in a carnal dance.

I pull away and turn to unlock the door. He kisses up my neck and surrounds my earlobe. Oh shit. Lingering there, he caresses it with his tongue, sucking and pulling. I melt against the sensation. His hands move to my breasts, kneading them gently.

“Pequena, your mouth says no, but your body seems to want me to come in.” His soft sexy voice sends chills along my neck. The key unlocks the door, and his hand pushes it open. The room is dark. “Pequena, I

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