Pushing Limits (Fighting Love #1) - kali cross Page 0,50

says, her eyes stern. “Don’t you care?”

“Man, you’re bumming me out.” Sally sneers. “Let’s go dance and give everybody some hot women to look at.” Pulling us out of our chairs, she guides us onto the dance floor as the band belts out a song by Three Doors Down. The number finishes, and I make my way back to the table, leaving Sally and Karen dancing to Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll.”

Pulling my phone out, I text Tommy with a smile:

Booty call?

My phone pings:

Would love nothing more but anticipation is half the fun.

Want a little more than a piece of ass, darlin’.

Don’t get me wrong,

I plan to fuck a smile on your face several times tomorrow night.

Get some rest…you’re going to need it. ;)

I text:

Ok. See you tomorrow. Night.

I smile at my display.

A deep voice resonates behind me, “La falda de interesting.” I look up as Bobby walks to the restroom.

Sally leaves Karen on the dance floor dancing with some guy and sits down. “What did Bobby have to say?”

“’Interesting skirt’,” Lifting my brow, tilting my head. “I guess I should give him at least a C for effort.” I harden my eyes and sneer. “At least he’s acknowledging my presence.”

“Yeah, he’s arrogant,” Sally nods, rolling her eyes. “But, I’ve known him for about a year. His family is from Laredo. Total old money, like…been here before Texas was a state, old money. He kinda oozes entitlement, huh? We dated when I first got here. It didn’t work out.”

My mouth pops open. “You dated a guy?”

“Uh, looking for a husband, remember? Duh.” She laughs. “He fit Daddy’s profile to a T. He was actually great in bed. But, he couldn’t seem to get over all the other women in my bed, so I hit the road. We’re still friends though.” A quizzical expression passes over her face. “But, apparently sleeping with a bunch of different girls while we were dating was ok for him, but not me.” She shrugs. “Whatever.”

I chuckle. Taking a sip of my martini, the bartender announces “last call.” Karen makes her way off the dance floor with a different guy. What happened to the last one? He drops her at the table, gallantly kissing her cheek murmuring, “Are you sure you don’t want to get out of here?”

“I’m sorry. I have to get up early in the morning.” Her beaming face gives away her eagerness.

“Well, you have my number. Call me tomorrow. I’d like to take you to dinner.”

“Ok.” Karen says, straightening her back. As he walks away, Karen watches. “Dang, he’s fine.”

“Look at you. How many numbers have you gotten?” I ask.

“Three,” she says with a proud grin.

Sally laughs and barks under her breath, “Slut.” Her eyes bouncing, as she laughs at Karen’s appalled face. “Geez, lighten up.” She smiles.

“What happened to Jerrod?”

“Nothing. He watched his buddy catch me. He watched me dance with a bunch of guys. All he actually did was acknowledge me with some lame ‘whazzup’ nod. Whatever. I’m tired of pining for someone who’s clearly not interested. I’ve got three guys who want to date me, and his buddy was mighty interested, time to test the waters.” Her words are firm, but her face tells a different story. Her green eyes blink, and her face grimaces as if she is swallowing a bitter pill. Shaking it off, she turns to me smiling, “Ready to go?”

“Sally has to get back to the Flame for ‘her date.’” Using my famous air quotes, laughing.

“Hey Natalie is a real cutie. I might buy her breakfast.”

Her indignant frown cracks me up. Laughing my ass off, I say, “Real nice, Westin. Real nice.” Standing to leave, we walk out to say our goodbyes and hail a cab back to campus.

As we both hug Sally, she attempts to cop a feel, garnishing whacks from both Karen and I. As she walks down the street for her date, several women and men turn to watch her. She appears not to notice any of them. Shaking my head, I grab a cab in front of the club. As we climb in, Jerrod opens the other side door and climbs in.

“What the hell did you think you were doing, Karen?” His lips press into a thin line as his eyes flare at Karen.

Our jaws drop as we both stare at him wondering what the hell he is doing.

“What are you talking about, Jerrod?” Karen asks.

“I don’t want to get into this with Amber here, but every time I tried

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