Pushing Limits (Fighting Love #1) - kali cross Page 0,44

Shouting at the door stops us from going in.

“Are you sleeping with her?”

We lean in, listening at the door.

“What if I am, Lily?”

“You are going to hell in a hand basket, Sally Westin, if you don’t make yourself right with the Lord.”

“Are you kidding me? Leave the Lord out of it. You don’t want me sleeping with anyone but you. As long as my lips are somewhere on your body, you’re fine with who I am. The only time I hear about the Lord is when you’re coming, or giving me crap about whom I sleep with.”


“I love you. You are everything to me. Everything. Why do you treat me this way? All I want to do is to make you happy. I don’t know why you need all those other girls. What is it about her?” Sobbing.

“She doesn’t constantly try to shove me back in the closet with her, Lily.”

“But, don’t I make you feel good? Don’t we have fun together?”

“It’s not just about sex. Listen, you have to stop this. We have to stop this…it’s not healthy.”

“But, I don’t want to stop. You can’t leave me. No.”

“I’m serious, Lily. We’re done.”

“We could be so happy.” Sobbing. “Why can’t you love me?”

Karen and I jump back when the door swings open. A chill runs up my spine when I stare into Lily’s tearstained face. Her quiet fury scares the fuck out of me as she shoves past us.

Chapter 10

Sally’s eyes dart to the door as we walk through it. Wiping her eyes and obviously embarrassed, she asks, “How much did you hear?”

Knowing how much I hate it when people lie right to my face, I square my shoulders saying, “From ‘are you sleeping with her?’.”

“Oh.” Her pained face touches my heart. “She thinks we’re sleeping together.” She gives me a sad smirk and adds, “I’m sorry.”

I close my arms around her in a big hug saying, “Don’t worry about it. If you want her gone and that’s a way to get her out, let her think that. I could care less what she thinks. If it gets her out of your life, use me.” I pull away and grip her arms. “It’s going to be ok. You need to stand firm. If it’s time to move on, then do it. Don’t worry about her. We have your back.” I rub my hands up and down her arms, smiling.

“So ladies, what are we doing tonight? It’s Friday and I, for one, need to kick it.” I smile, my eyes bounce from Karen to Sally. “It’s been a while since I’ve actually studied and I am out of practice. This week has been a rude awakening and I need to blow off some steam.”

“Yeah, I can’t spend another night in my room with…Melissa.” Karen makes a gagging noise.

“I thought you were seeing Tommy sometime this weekend,” Sally says.

“Yeah, well, it’s been crickets…What can I say?” I say, shrugging my shoulders, “Fuck it. I need an ego boost. Let’s get all dressed up and go to that club you like.” Glancing at Sally, I try to remember the name. “What’s it called? The Flame? That’s it. The one on Sixth Street you like so much. Just us girls. Who knows? Maybe Karen can get her little freak flag on.”

“You want to go to a gay club?” Karen asks, pushing her glasses up her nose. Her eyes bug like a deer in the headlights.

“It’ll be fun. Angela and I used to go clubbing all the time.”

“But, I’m straight,” says Karen. Her face befuddled.

“So?” Sally counters.

“Come out with us. If you hate it, we’ll go two doors down to any of the other hundred bars that cater to straight people,” I say, putting my arm around Karen’s shoulder. “Ok, let’s start getting ready. Sally, we need some shots. Karen, go get glammed up and meet back here around nine. Ok?”

“Shots first.” Sally lines up shot glasses and quickly mixes her yummy vodka lemon shot. I swear that girl could make bank as a bartender. She knows every drink under the sun.

“To fucked up bitches!” Sally toasts.

I yell, “I hear that!” We clink our glasses, slam the shots, and scatter to get ready.

“I call the bathroom!” I yell, rushing for the door.

“Really?” Sally pauses. “Really, Amber?” Sally laughs as I run for the door, “You do realize I’m going to come in anyway?”

I run to the door and reach for the knob, shouting. “Not if I lock the door.” I scoot in, shut the door,

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