Pushing Limits (Fighting Love #1) - kali cross Page 0,37

as they connect with mine, bringing her finger to her lips, sucking on it with a wicked smile. “It takes on, a certain…musical quality.” She sashays out the door, swinging her skirt, calling, “Ten minutes, Turner.”

“Ain’t happenin’, Westin.” I shout back shaking my head.

A muffled “we’ll see about that” vibrates through the door.

Laughing to myself, I pull on my usual outfit of jeans, boots, and a tank. As I dry my hair, I notice several red slashes still present around the outsides of both wrists. Dragging my finger across them, my breath hitches and I wonder what Tommy’s doing right now. Shake it off. It was probably nothing to him. Don’t go all girlie. You got laid….Don’t make it into something more. People don’t stick around, that’s just the way it is.

As I dry my hair, I decide to blow off doing the whole makeup thing. My hair hangs in a light pink bang across my face. The short sides still holding up but I notice that I could use a trim.

“Ok, I’m ready.”

“You’re kidding right? Did you want to go down to the biker bar on Guadalupe? Strike that. I would still expect you to dress like a girl even if we were heading to a biker bar. What’s with the boy clothes?” Sally asks with a smirk.

“What are you talking about? This is what I always wear.” I frown, looking over my clothes.

“Hang out with a lot of bull dykes and dudes much?” Her face locked in a disapproving glare.

“I wouldn’t say that. My mom was always forcing that glossy fashion magazine, J Crew, bullshit on me. I guess I got used to being comfortable. She seemed to be willing to let jeans and a tank slide. Kept the fighting to a minimum.” I shrug. “Angela never complained.”

“That’s probably because she tried to keep you permanently naked. Clothes weren’t important when you’re doin’ the nasty. Shit, with an ass like that, I’d probably use the same strategy.” She sighs. “Ok, after we grab a quick bite, we’re heading over to the mall. Damn girl, you can still be edgy without trying to look like a guy.” She grabs her purse. “I guess a true stylist’s work is never done.”

Opening the door, we head down the hall to the elevator. Karen steps out, locking her door. Greeting us with a smile, she says, “Great party last night, guys. Where are you two off to?”

“Breakfast at Alberto’s and then the mall to shop. Wanna come?” I offer.

“Can’t. I have to head to work,” she says.

Stepping into the elevator, I ask, “So, where do you work?”

“The student TV station – KGBL.”

“Karen does the news for the campus TV station.” Sally informs me. “Our own Lois Lane.” She smiles.

“Hardly,” Karen says, “My reporting consists of reporting new campus policies and spouting off any upcoming activities around campus. It’s good exposure though.”

Karen has the looks for TV. I bet her red hair looks great on camera. She’s medium height and has a nice build. Not a stunner really but when you get close, and look past the glasses, she’s really pretty. She should lose the specs though.

Waving goodbye, we part ways. Sally turns us toward Alberto’s, a Mexican eatery near the mall, filling my head with promises of the best breakfast burritos in town.


I feel like a kid in a candy store. Practically everything I try on has me falling in love. Sally is a great stylist and her “love that,” “too cute,” and “you have to get that” didn’t hurt either.

“See, you can have it all. You can still look like a girl and wear edgier stuff. You just need some help putting outfits together, that’s all.” She assures me.

“Thank you for helping me. If you had dragged me into J Crew, I would have had to kill you.” I laugh.

“Amber…I like J Crew,” she says, her face serious.

“Oh, sorry.” My face falls. Shit, I didn’t mean to insult her. Damn it. Smooth move with the new roomie, Amber.

“Just kidding! It’s not my style either. I like Saks, personally. They have a wide variety and you can get some cool stuff, too. We should check it out. We still need shoes and accessories.” She claps her hands in excitement like a little girl. “What do you have at the dorm? I think I’ve only seen you in combat boots and motorcycle boots.”

“I have some stilettos and platforms at home but I told Elise not to bother sending them.”

“Who’s Elise? Is she your

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