Pushing Limits (Fighting Love #1) - kali cross Page 0,30

gives me a wink saying, “Kat brought some ecstasy. Want one?” Covering her mouth with her hand as I sip from her cup, she says, “Oops, too late. I think I put one in my drink.” Shrugging, I take another sip of her drink, and she cracks up.

Someone has replaced the two-person table with a regular dining room table and chairs. A bunch of people are sitting around the table playing beer pong. Some are on our beds talking and listening to the music while others are congregating in the kitchenette. Sally leads me to an open seat, and pours me a stiff whiskey. She introduces me to the group around the table. “This is Kat, Darren. You know Lily, and Bobby. You know Karen. Everyone, this is Amber.” She shouts over the music, squeezing my arm.

Great, Lily’s here already…the Ice Princess gives me her typical arctic stare grunting, “hello” and proceeds to ignore me whenever possible, speaking only when she has to – what a fucking bitch. Everyone else offers a friendly “hi” or “hey.”

Sally looks beautiful. In fact, she looks fucking hot. She is wearing this tiny white mini skirt and a tight, white t-shirt that shows off her tan abs. She has this cool gold Egyptian necklace on, flat and round and all one piece. Her hair is loose, cascading down her back and threatening to graze her ass.

Kat and Darren are nice. They are the typical All-American couple, blond hair, blue eyes, striking smiles, and athletic builds….and totally into each other. They’re friendly and having fun getting wasted and macking on each other every once in a while.

Now, Bobby? He’s shorter than Sally, like five eight or five nine. He has a good build, lean, like a runner. His hair is black and his eyes match….pools of dark chocolate. He is definitely cute. He’s kinda got a Latin, Rico Suave-thing going on. When I catch him staring at me, his face shows no emotion. No hint of like or dislike, nothing, completely impassive. Weird. Gorgeous…but weird.

“So, Amber, where are you from?” Kat asks. Aiming the ball and bouncing it seamlessly into the red solo cup.

“I’m from Chicago. How about you and Darren?”

“Oh, we’re both from LA. I’ve been here for a couple of years. I’m set to graduate next year and it’s off to UC-Davis to finish my degree in veterinary medicine. Darren is off to med school in the fall. He’s going to UCLA medical school.”

“Sweet.” I bounce and miss, as everyone shouts “Drink!”

Taking a swig of my whiskey, I ask, “Bobby, where are you from?” Mostly it’s to be polite. Why does he look so familiar?

“Laredo, Texas,” he says, as his ball sails into the cup without touching even the rim.

Lily shoots and misses completely. Everyone yells “Drink!” as she takes the tiniest sip of her drink. The ball bounces off the table and over to our beds. Her eyes narrow, focusing on me as she patiently waits. With a smirk I usually reserve for my mother, I wait as well.

“O-ka-y,” Sally says as she jumps up to retrieve the ping pong ball.

Sally hands the ball to Karen. Karen eyes the cup, pushing up her glasses and practices lining up her ball to make it in the cup.

“Seriously Karen?” Darren laughs. “You never make it. I don’t know how they do it down there on the farm but in LA we try to get the ball in the cup.”

“Yeah, two years we’ve been playing beer pong and I can count the number of times you’ve made it in.” Kat laughs. “Girl, give it up.”

“I don’t give up. I’m going to get that stupid, GD ball in there. I have to focus that’s all. If all of you would give me a minute, I could concentrate,” she grumbles. Finally releasing the ball, it bounces off the rim and off the table. “So close!”

Kat and Darren laugh, giving her props for not giving up and speculating that hell will freeze over before she gets the ball in the cup.

As the night wares on, people begin to leave, choosing to pass out in their own beds. Kat and Darren disappear into the bathroom and come back after about a half hour looking very, very happy. We drink and dance ourselves silly. After a while, it’s only the seven of us still sitting around the table.

My phone beeps. Pulling my phone out, I check the display.

On my way…can’t get you off my mind.

I can still feel that scrumptious

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