Pushing Limits (Fighting Love #1) - kali cross Page 0,21

it down and off my shoulders.

“I need a sweater. Look at my nipples, damn it!” I pass my hands in front of my tits like one of those girls from the Price is Right. “Even if they go down before we head out, it’s frickin’ cold outside, and this top is too tight. I wear shit like this to bed, not out in public.”

“Leave it on but only if it gets cold.” She pouts, “It ruins the look, hon.” She raises her hands in surrender, “My bad. I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Snapping her fingers, she reaches for the sweater, “Give it to me, I’ll put it in my bag.”

I begrudgingly give it to her, and she delicately folds it, placing it in her bag. We head out the door to the elevator. As we walk down the hall, I take a moment to check out the two goddesses in front of me. Sometimes life isn’t fair.

We cross the lobby and head out into the sunshine. “Damn it, I left my sunglasses.” I curse.

“No time. The restaurant is on the north end of campus. As it is, we’ll be lucky to get there on time,” Tracy says.

We keep a good pace, and I realize Sally was right, I don’t need a sweater. The sun is out and a nice breeze blows across campus as we head to the restaurant. As we reach the edge of campus, Sally links my arm and guides me across the street. The restaurant is packed with students. The rich aroma of pancakes and waffles fill the air, making me realize I am famished. The patio is in the front, and flowers and ivy fall from the four posts of the half wall that lines the patio area. It’s packed with kids in shorts and flip flops, hanging out, and chowing down. Voices buzz and occasional laughter floats across the air as we approach the hostess stand.

A short girl with a pixie haircut and a sweet face approaches us saying, “Hey Sally! I haven’t seen you in forever! How are you?”

“Hey, Carrie. This is my roommate, Amber, and this is Tracy. How are classes?”

“Great….Roommate? What happened to Lily?” She rolls her eyes. “Never mind, I forgot it was you I was talking to for a minute.” Giggling, she asks, “Table for three?”

“Actually we’re meeting someone. Well, Amber is but I don’t think she told him. What are the chances we can get one of the round tables?” She leans forward, smiling her most persuasive smile. “Pretty please?” She giggles.

“On a Saturday morning?” Carrie smirks and with a sigh, she says, “For you, maybe. Let me take a look around and see if anything’s opening up. Go in and find your friend, and I’ll take a look.”

I scan the room looking to see if he’s here and spot him inside the restaurant at a table. His hair is a dark mass of curls. He’s scoping out the menu so I have a moment to stare. Wow. He’s in a t-shirt and jeans, so different from the suit. He seems relaxed, comfortable. So hot. I don’t belong here, having breakfast with him. Shit! What the fuck am I doing? I turn sharply in an effort to leave, but Sally scoots me forward.

“Ok, now you’ve seen him. Breathe, Amber. It’s ok to exhale.” She eggs me on.

I weave my way towards him. Somewhere along the way, Sally has pulled back to speak with her friend, Carrie, pointing to the round table next to Tommy. As if on cue, the two couples stand and work their way toward the door. I force my feet to keep moving. What is wrong with me?

“Hey,” I say, biting my lip, shielding my eyes from the bright sun drifting in from the patio. I have never been so thankful for momentary blindness.

Tommy stands, brushing my cheek softly with his lips. “Hey, Amber. I wasn’t sure if you would prefer outside or inside so I picked something in the middle.” He gestures to the patio. His infectious smile manages to persuade one from me in return.

Sally reaches us and says, “Hey, Tommy. I hope you don’t mind. Tracy and I were hanging out at the dorm and invited ourselves along.”

“Sit here with three gorgeous women? Why, Ms. Westin, I don’t recall ever receiving such a tempting offer.” His southern charm oozes from every pore.

“This table is a tad bigger. Carrie said we could snag it.” Sally gestures to the new table.

Standing, Tommy crosses to

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