Purchased Husband (Trophy Husbands #4) - Noelle Adams Page 0,8


Chelsea claps her hands in excitement while Melissa says, “That’s great. It’s too bad Sam isn’t here since it sounds like they have a lot in common.”

It’s the most ridiculous thing. It’s not like me at all. I’m never petty or envious or irrationally possessive about other people—at least, I never thought I was. But for some reason her words prompt a little twinge of jealousy.

As if it bothers me that Sam would have a connection with Damian that I don’t have.

Sam is married—very happily by all appearances. And my relationship with Damian is purely professional. Which makes my reaction both illogical and embarrassing.

I don’t want to be one of those people who thinks they can claim another human being all to themselves. I’ve never been like that, and I’m not going to start now.

Especially not since I have absolutely no claim on Damian that I haven’t paid good money for.

“Oh,” Chelsea breathes, drawing my attention back to her. “Oh wow. If you’re going to tell us that your fiancé just walked in the door, I might just swoon away right here.”

Surprised and curious, I turn toward the entrance of the coffee shop. Sure enough, Damian is standing there, looking ridiculously hot in dark jeans and a gray henley. He’s holding the sunglasses he just took off, and my whole body tenses with visceral interest at the sight of his windblown hair and casual stance.

“Uh. Yeah. That’s him.” For no good reason, I feel my cheeks growing warm. I wave, catching Damian’s attention. He smiles and heads over, his eyes scanning Melissa and Chelsea, who are sitting across from me.

Because I’m watching, I can see the transformation on Damian’s face as he approaches. It’s like something clicks. Turns on. The polite but bland professionalism he’s always shown to me disappears into a warm, relaxed charm. I actually see the change happen. He’s like a different person.

And it reminds me with a thud to my chest that this is his job. This is what he does. He convinces people that he’s something other than he is.

It’s all fine. It’s exactly what I need, and he obviously does it very well.

I’m just palpably reminded that it’s all an act. This isn’t who the man is.

I have no idea who he is.

Melissa and Chelsea stand up to greet him. They shake hands and handle the introductions themselves, which is a good thing because I’m not lucid for a minute or two.

Eventually Melissa invites Damian to join us at the table, and he scoots into the booth next to me, sliding an arm around me.

“Hey there,” he murmurs in a softer, intimate tone. It’s exactly right. It sounds easy and affectionate without making a big deal about our supposed relationship.

“Hey.” I wonder if we should kiss—if that would look more convincing—but I’m not about to make that move.

Damian doesn’t either. His arm is warm and firm behind me, and he leaves it draped loosely.

“Do you want any coffee?” Chelsea asks him.

“No, thanks. I had some earlier.”

“So what have you been doing while we’ve been having coffee?” That’s Chelsea again. She obviously has no qualms about asking nosy questions, and she can get away with it without annoying or offending people.

“I’ve been browsing at a couple of used bookstores,” Damian answers. “Any new city I visit, that’s the first thing I do.”

I have to stop myself from expressing surprise at his declaration. I had no idea that’s what he’d be doing with his free time in Charleston this afternoon.

“Did you find anything good?” Melissa asks.

“Yeah. A couple of things.” His eyes move from Melissa to Chelsea. “I thought there were three of you. Was I wrong?” He glances over to me for confirmation.

“There are three. Sam couldn’t make it,” I tell him. “She’s the middle sister. You and she will probably get along really well. She’s working on her PhD in English too.”

“Oh yeah? I can’t wait to meet her. What about the two of you? What do you do?”

The question smoothly transitions us into casual conversation about our careers, which leads into plans for the future and reflections on college and our childhoods. I have no idea how Damian is able to lead the discussion so smoothly and easily. It’s soon obvious that both Chelsea and Melissa are charmed by him.

Charming women is clearly one of his gifts.

We hang out for another forty-five minutes until the others say they need to get going. Damian and I need to head for my mother’s apartment anyway.

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