The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3) - B.B. Reid Page 0,130

her way back to me, I had already written her off. And my first act in discarding her had been losing the virginity that I had promised to her.

When Ever had made that bet to see who could lose theirs first, I’d been tempted but reluctant. I didn’t want my first time with Barbette to be because of a stupid bet. Even after discovering that Bee had betrayed me for Ever, I hesitated. I didn’t realize it was because I was still hoping for us until Bee stayed with Ever after he cheated with Olivia. I knew then that there was nothing left of us to hold on to. I thought she’d wanted Ever no matter what—even if he was unfaithful to her.

Angry at Bee for being so goddamn weak, I’d given myself to the first pretty girl who batted her lashes at me. I thought I would finally move on after. Instead, I’d found my revenge.

Every single girl I’d screwed after Lindsey Muir was my way of punishing Bee and breaking my promise to her as thoroughly as she’d broken me. I might have slept with half a dozen girls before I realized I was only punishing myself. After a while, not wanting to give them more of me than was necessary, I stopped looking for pleasure when there was none to be found, and I’d simply get them off before walking away.

The mountain of mistakes Bee and I made in the last five years kept rising higher and higher.


I slowly opened my eyes to find Bee watching me, her blue eyes rimmed with red. “I don’t want you to feel guilty.”

Ah, it’s much too late for that, kitten.

“Then how should I be feeling knowing that I wasn’t there to protect you?”

She leaned in, and I met her halfway, kissing her lips. “That’s not your fault,” she whispered against mine. “You’re here now. We can protect each other.”

Shoving aside the past because there was nothing we could do to change it, I smiled against her lips. “I stand when I piss,” I said with a growl rising in my chest. “That means protecting is my job. Means I get to make the decisions, too.”

I almost snickered when she glowered.

“Oh, is that the only requirement? Well, we both sit when we shit, and I’d say you’re full of it right about now.”

I was ready to retort when the sound of moaning stopped me. The blush suddenly warming Bee’s cheeks told me she heard it, too. Standing up, I set her on her feet and kissed her as I removed her shorts and the black T-shirt with the words ‘nothing,’ ‘sense,’ and ‘we’re.’ Each word was stacked on top of each other. Mine was white with ‘makes,’ ‘when,’ and ‘apart’ in the same style.

Once she was naked, I removed a rubber from my wallet before shedding my clothes. After I rolled the condom on, I lifted her up and wrapped her long legs around my waist.

“Where are you going?” she questioned when I headed in the opposite direction of our room. “Our room is that way.” She pointed behind me as I opened one of the bedroom doors. I could hear the shower running and the sound of wet skin slapping. “Oh, my God!” Bee squealed. “Jamie, what are you doing?”


I slowly lowered her onto my cock, making her gasp as her wet pussy wrapped around me like a glove. Steam filled every inch of the bathroom when I carried her inside and headed for the occupied shower. It was a glass enclosure with a rainforest showerhead and more than enough room for four people.

Revenge was most definitely sweet.

Bee could barely keep her eyes open as I toweled her hair dry in our room. We had to take a second shower after the hottest sex I’d ever had. I lost count of how many times I’d almost blown my load prematurely.

“What?” Bee asked when she noticed me watching her curiously.

“I’m starting to think you and Four bat for more than one team.” My gaze narrowed as I replayed the way their hands and lips had wandered and explored each other more than once.

Batting her lashes, she pursed her lips that had been wrapped around my dick an hour ago. “Jealous?”

“Insanely.” I dropped the towel and tossed her onto the bed before climbing between her legs. “I won’t share you.”

“I’m not asking you to.” Sliding her hand between us, she began stroking me. “I only want you.”

Feeling my toes curl, I quickly Copyright 2016 - 2024