Pucks & Penalties (Pucked) - Helena Hunting


WHY DIDN’T THIS gem make the cut? There were a few significant changes near the end of the story, and with that came the cutting of this scene. Not because I didn’t love it, because I do, but there were already plenty of sexy times, and this one just didn’t fit into the story anymore. This is another one of those silly scenes I loved, so I’m glad I get to share it in an outtake. This scene takes place in Violet’s apartment and the Area 51 debate is in full effect here.

The Lost Sex Scene

Beaver Files

ALEX WANTS TO shower with me, but I need private time; the beave requires some ’scaping. No one should see her in such an unruly state but me. He stands outside the door, knocking every few minutes to see if I’ve changed my mind about needing some help. He’s still in the hall when I come out with my robe on. He looks me up and down wearing his pouty face, then brushes by me to take a shower of his own. I don’t offer to help him out. We have all night to do that.

While he cleans up, I check the cupboards. I have plenty of snack food, but I only have one box of Kraft mac ‘n’ cheese, which Alex can polish off on his own, so ordering in seems like the better plan. Since my apartment is close to my work, I know of a few restaurants, but I don’t have their phone numbers. Thankfully, Alex’s laptop is on the kitchen table—he brought it along so he could check his email later—I’m not sure when he thinks he’ll have time since I plan to keep him busy with sexing.

I flip it open and Alex’s email pops up. He has a ridiculous number of unanswered messages. I minimize the screens to get to his desktop, which is rife with folders. I spot one called “BEAVER.”

I suspect it has nothing to do with the furry animal, and everything to do with porn. I check over my shoulder. For what purpose, I’m not entirely certain. I can hear the water running in the bathroom, and no one else is in my apartment. Maybe I’m awaiting the arrival of the folder-hacking fairy? She hasn’t shown up to reprimand me for what I’m about to do yet, so I click on the folder like the nosy pseudo-hacker I am.

Inside the main folder are an assload of dated subfolders. The first one I click contains recent pictures of Alex and me making out in public. I smile, then remember his mother has probably seen them on social media by now. Still, I feel better knowing that he, too, has a porn folder of us.

The next subfolder is called “Beaver Sleuth.” I go ahead and click on that. These aren’t media pictures. They were taken a few years ago when Skye and Sidney decided we needed to go on a family vacation. It was the off-season, so Buck tagged along. He found a group of dickheads to hang out with on the first day, and all they did was hit on me—the dickheads, not Buck. That would’ve been weird. Regardless, it was quite the experience. But that’s neither here nor there. What I want to know is how Alex happened upon copies of these pictures.

As I browse the folder, I come across one where my butt cheek is hanging out the bottom of my bikini. I was so pissed at Buck for catching me like that, and now Alex has seen it. Not that he hasn’t seen my ass up close and personal many, many times, I just don’t understand why he feels the need to have old pictures of it peeking out for the world to see. He can have the real thing any time he wants.

I’m so engrossed in checking out my own partially exposed rear end, I don’t hear Alex come out of the bathroom. It’s not until his hard-on is pressed up against my back that I realize two things: I’m creeping on his computer, and I didn’t put real clothes on after my shower—so I’m still naked under my bathrobe.

“Watcha lookin’ at?”

He mutters an expletive as he rests his chin on my shoulder. Interestingly, his immediate reaction is to grab my boobs, as though they’re my eyes and he’s trying to prevent me from seeing what’s on the screen.

“It’s not what it looks like,” he says quickly.

“So this

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