Protector (Doms of Mountain Bend #1) - B.J. Wane Page 0,46

sound unaffected. “Okay.” Her breath released on a gasp as he lifted her at the waist and she swung her leg over the saddle, the sudden height offering an expanded view across the pastureland for as far as she could see.

“Oh, it’s breathtaking,” she said in awe.

“Wait until we start riding. I’ll be right back. Hold on tight,” he replied, handing Scotty the reins.

Lisa’s focus switched from Shawn to enjoying the slow rocking atop the mare as Scotty strolled around the corral, leading the mare. Loving everything about the new venture, she soon found her rhythm and grew at ease riding the gentle horse. Scotty gave her pointers and a mini-lesson on how to steer, start, and stop, and by the time Shawn returned, she was more than ready to leave the enclosure and try a faster gait.


Shawn’s plans for the afternoon hadn’t included kissing Lisa so soon after she arrived or pushing her buttons by keeping close and constantly touching her. But she was too damn irresistible, especially when she didn’t think he noticed the flashes of lust crossing her face or the vulnerable need reflected in her eyes. He imagined sexual attraction was as easy for her to identify and admit to as it was for him, yet she seemed less inclined to embrace exploring the deeper relationship he found himself leaning toward.

The key to opening her mind to that possibility lay in finding out what had driven her here in the first place, and why she didn’t want him to know. While he did enjoy a puzzle and a challenge, he was conscious of his growing desire to have her stay in Mountain Bend and how little time he had to make that happen.

As she rode alongside him across the prairies, he admired the ease with which she’d taken to riding. The smile that had kicked up as they’d ridden out of the corral and hadn’t slipped in the last thirty minutes revealed her pleasure, the sidelong glances she likely thought he was blind to conveyed interest in more than riding. He liked seeing her so relaxed, having fun, her eyes clear of troubling shadows.

“Tug your reins to the left,” he instructed as they neared a trail bisecting the wooded area up ahead. “We’ll take that path through the trees to the creek.”

Looking toward the path, her brows furrowed. “It looks narrow.”

“Stay behind me. You’ll be fine. Angel knows the way, so all you have to do is sit tight.”

Her doubt cleared, and she flashed him a broad grin. “I’ve got that part down pat.”

“Yes, you do,” he murmured, thinking that could also apply to her reservations about getting involved with him.

Shawn never tired of the fresh, combined scents of pines, firs, and red cedar that assailed his nostrils as soon as he entered the woods. The constant racket of busy squirrels hopping from tree to tree and the flutter of twittering birds made up for the lack of conversation until they came out at the wide, fast-flowing creek.

“What do you think?” he asked her, dismounting then reaching up to help her down.

“It’s beautiful. Is there anything besides trout?”

“Not a fan, huh?” he replied when she wrinkled her nose. “Some steelhead, Mountain Whitefish, bass, a few more. It’s a little early, but the salmon is great.”

“I love salmon but never knew you could find it in rivers.”

“We’ll come out again in a few weeks.” Holding her close, he felt a small shudder go through her. Pleased with that response, he tugged the fishing poles out of his saddle, saying, “The Salmon River feeds into several creeks. We’re lucky enough to have one of them running through our property. Grab that blanket tucked into your saddlebag, will you?”


Another satisfied kick struck him with her reluctance to disengage from his light hold. Stepping back, he waited until she turned toward Angel then swatted her ass before hiking down to a grassy spot on the bank. The start of April had bumped the temperature into the upper fifties, and with the sun shining high, they would have a pleasant afternoon. He should feel guilty for bailing on his ranch responsibilities for a few hours, but he could make it up to Clayton and Dakota later. If he only had a limited time with the girl he’d never forgotten in all these years, he wanted to take advantage of every moment.

“Just so you know,” Lisa said as she reached him with the blanket over her arm, “I’m as ignorant about fishing Copyright 2016 - 2024