Protector (Doms of Mountain Bend #1) - B.J. Wane Page 0,20

let her, instead drawing her against his leather-clad legs and bare chest. She sucked in a breath, the quick flare of arousal from his control offering a sliver of hope. “Running doesn’t solve problems, it only delays them. You came tonight for a reason. Why not see it through? Unless you have a preferred safeword, use the standard red, and I stop, no harm done. I know the signs of stress to watch for, Lisa.”

Because she really wanted to, Lisa agreed before she changed her mind. “Yes, sir, I’d like that, but I prefer facing you.”

“Agreed. I would have insisted anyway as that makes my job easier. How about a chain station.” He pointed several feet down. “One just came available. You don’t mind public scenes, right?”

She liked he wanted to make sure, even though she was experienced. Oddly enough, exhibitionism had turned her on from the onset of her foray into BDSM, giving her a big boost of courage those first few times. “Right, and the chain station is fine.”

He ushered her past a metal contraption with an assortment of narrow pads. She shivered, recognizing the restraining bench most often used by those into S&M. A thrill of anticipation tickled her skin as they reached the chain and he attached the cuffs, raising her arms before his hands went to the buttons of her blouse.

“We’ll start with partial undress since this is a new venue for you. Pretty,” he said, releasing the last button and spreading her top to reveal her propped-up breasts in the strapless bra.

Lisa shuffled her bare feet, enjoying his praise, but the exposure to cooler air and a few interested gazes made her more than ready to get started. She clenched her hands as he flicked open the front clasp on the bra and removed it, her nipples puckering into even tighter nubs under his appreciative look and from the brush of his finger across each one that added a sizzle to her blood flow.

“Sir.” She arched toward him in a silent plea, the need for a distraction from her woes rising to the surface of her insecurities.

“Relax, sweetheart, we’ll get there. Which instrument do you prefer?”

He stepped back and twirled his finger for her to pivot and look behind her. His accommodating manner was starting to grate, and Lisa turned, wishing he would just take over. One of the things she liked best about submitting was letting a Dom take the weight of decision-making off her shoulders.

The array of pain-inflicting choices was familiar, and she chose her favorite. “The flogger, please, sir.”

Lisa faced the room again as Master Simon picked a multi strand one with a short handle. He was a handsome man, his crooked smile when he stood in front of her again softening his otherwise chiseled face. Shawn’s face popped into her head, the memory of the probing glint in his silver eyes and straightforward way of talking to her causing her pulse to flutter. She closed her eyes in order to concentrate on the man she was with and what he could hopefully do for her.

She shook as he trailed the thin strands across her quivering breasts then over her abdomen above the waistband of her skirt. Craving the sting, she held her breath, waiting for it. He continued to tease, tickling down the front of her legs then up her back and over her tense shoulders. A groan slipped past her compressed lips when he started over, taking the same path.

“Sir, please,” she whimpered as he reached her breasts for the third time yet still denied her the bite of pain she craved.

“You’re too impatient. It’s been a while, you said. Open your eyes and enjoy the play.”

She didn’t want to; she only needed the ounce of relief she used to gain from this. It hadn’t been much of a bump-up from the disappointments that had driven her to explore the lifestyle, but the orgasms she had experienced at the Doms’ hands in Phoenix were more than she’d ever gotten from her vanilla affairs.

Used to obeying, she looked at him and replied, “I prefer a harder touch. Sir.”

He sighed, as if let down, but nodded. Quaking with anticipation, she braced for the first snap, but when he struck her waist, the quick there-and-gone burn dwindled so fast she barely felt it. He was still treating her with kid gloves, adding to her disappointment and mounting frustration. Lisa bit her lip to keep from complaining, breathed in through her nose, and Copyright 2016 - 2024