Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,96

to wind up with a whole bunch of babies inside!

“But will the second baby be all right?” Karn asked anxiously. “I mean, will he be born on his older brother’s due date and won’t that be too early for him?”

“Please don’t worry.” Sylvan shook his head. “We can give your mate compounds to help delay her labor until both of your sons are ready to be born.” He patted Lilli’s hands. “We’re going to take good care of her and your babies.”

“Thank you,” Karn said gratefully. “I really appreciate it, Commander Sylvan.”

“It’s the least I can do after you risked your life on such a difficult and dangerous mission,” Sylvan said gravely. “Why, without you, the Nightwalker Kindred you discovered in the Yonnite System would have been put to death by now.”

“Oh—is he going to be all right?” Lilli asked anxiously. When he was telling her about being a spy and not a bodyslave at all, Karn had also admitted his role in trying to save the other warrior. She was glad she’d been involved in helping him find the evidence that would hopefully set the Nightwalker Kindred free.

“He’s going to be, if the Goddess wills it,” Sylvan said grimly. “I’ve spoken to the Councilor who’s helping him in the Yonnite Court System. She’s up against some big challenges but she’s a very determined young woman—I know she’ll prevail.”

“Imani, right?” Liv asked, raising an eyebrow. “The one who took Councilor Allisandra’s place?”

Sylvan nodded. “Exactly. She’s on Yonnie Six right now, fighting for the Nightwalker’s freedom. Though I think there have been a few complications in the case…”

“Whatever it is, the Goddess will lead her through it,” Liv said confidently and Lilli nodded her head in agreement.

“She certainly took care of Karn and me—and our baby,” she pointed out.

“Babies,” Karn corrected, grinning at her. “I never thought I’d even have one son—and now we’re going to have two!”

“Two sons,” Lilli murmured—she was still trying to wrap her head around the idea.

She vowed to herself that she would raise her sons in the ways of the Kindred. She would be a much better mother than her own mother had been and she would love them unconditionally. They would know she was there for them always and they would grow up to be fine men and wonderful warriors.

Sylvan smiled at her.

“Truly, the Goddess is good.”

“She certainly is.” Lilli nodded. But inside, her mind moved from her own joy to the danger of the girl who was still stuck on Yonnie Six.

Let her be safe, Goddess, she prayed. Protect her with your mighty power!

After all, the Nightwalker Kindred had been framed for a gruesome murder—which they knew he had not committed. But what if whoever had killed his Mistress was still on the loose? And what if they targeted Councilor Imani because she was trying to help the male they’d tried to pin it on?

Lilli shivered at the thought. She would keep the other girl in her prayers, she decided.

Imani would need all the prayers she could get.

The End?


Read on for a sneak peek at Unleashed by the Defender, Imani and the Nightwalker Kindred’s book, coming soon!

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Pale green eyes, glowing in the darkness. Savage eyes…a beast’s eyes.

Imani put a hand up to ward them off. They were coming for her—coming and there was nothing she could do to save herself—nowhere to run, no place she could hide. The eyes would find her and then…

She woke up with a start, her heart pounding, her palms sweating.

“Stop it,” she told herself out loud, wincing at the sound of her own voice in the darkness. “Stop it, it’s just a dream. Only a dream!”

But she couldn’t seem to stop herself from searching the dark confines of her bedroom aboard the Kindred Mother Ship. Couldn’t stop thinking that she saw those eyes watching her…waiting for her.

Waiting for what?

Imani didn’t know but she was desperately afraid she was going to find out…


“I’m sorry, but I just can’t wear this—especially not to argue a case in court!”

Imani Williams looked down at the crazy outfit her new friend and advisor, Kat, had put her into with shock and dismay. Copyright 2016 - 2024