Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,9

her. “That must be hard for you, if you were raised in a convent.”

Lilli was surprised at how perceptive the big Kindred was. He had picked right up on the source of her distress and was sympathetic to it instead of making fun of her.

“That’s very kind of you,” she said, lifting her chin. “But a Mistress must not be shy around her bodyslave.”

He frowned.

“Why? Because we’re just furniture? Because our opinions don’t count?”

Lilli bit her lip. The fact that he’d just said almost exactly what she’d imagined her mother saying was awful. Maybe her new bodyslave was too perceptive.

“That’s what most Yonnites would say,” she answered carefully. “And I know it’s what my mother would say.”

“Well, what do you say, little Mistress?” He raised an eyebrow, his mismatched eyes fixed on her intently.

“I…I don’t know,” Lilli admitted. “I’ve only been here for a week. I’m not really used to Yonnite society and customs yet.”

“Of course you’re not.” His voice softened. “Forgive me, little Mistress. I didn’t mean to distress you.”

“You didn’t.” Lilli lifted her chin. “But we can’t stand here talking all night. I have to get you ready for the banquet.”

And resolutely, she began to strip.


Karn eyed her as she took off her pretty pink gown and began slipping out of her undergarments. Gods, she was as lovely naked as he’d imagined! Her breasts were large and ripe, her nipples were pink and puffy, and her full hips curved down to well-shaped legs. Between her thighs, her soft little pussy had a mound of delicate, light blonde curls which did nothing to hide the plump outer lips of her sex.

Just looking at her was enough to make his shaft rise again. For a moment, Karn tried to stop it by thinking of mathematical formulas but then he reasoned that there was no point. Lilli was going to have to see him erect—see him and touch him as well—so she might as well get used to it.

It was a strange culture, he couldn’t help thinking, that ordered a young, virginal girl to take a large, naked male and bathe and handle him intimately. But then again, there were many aspects of Yonnite culture he found strange—not the least of which was their propensity to take males as slaves.

“Oh!” Lilli’s eyes widened when she finished getting undressed and turned to him. Her gaze was fixed on his shaft, which by now was hard and throbbing. “Why…” She looked at Karn uncertainly. “Why is it, uh, hard again? I haven’t touched you or anything.”

“My shaft got hard in response to seeing your lovely body, little Mistress,” Karn told her frankly. “Forgive me if it’s, uh, impertinent but I can’t help my body’s natural reactions to yours.”

“Your body reacted to mine?” Her eyebrows shot up. “But…is that proper?”

“Probably not.” Karn grinned at her. “But it is natural. At least with my people. Maybe it’s not with yours.”

“I don’t think any of my mother’s bodyslaves react to her the way you’re, uh, reacting to me,” she murmured, still eyeing his shaft.

Remembering Lady Mirabella’s cold, bony claw yanking his equipment, Karn could see why not. There was absolutely nothing about the Yonnite Mistress to make a male hard as far as he could tell. But of course, he couldn’t say that to her daughter.

“Probably her bodyslaves are better trained than I am,” he said, bowing his head humbly. “I guess you’ll have to teach me not to react to your body when you bathe me, little Mistress.”

“I…I don’t know how to do that,” she confessed softly. “I’ve never trained a bodyslave before.”

“Well, maybe we can learn together,” Karn suggested. “But for now, aren’t you supposed to be bathing me?”

“Oh…oh, yes!” She glanced at the chronometer on the wall. “We must hurry—the banquet is coming up fast. Come on.”

She took a remote off a peg beside the huge, opulent shower stall and pointed it.

“Now let me see—I’m still getting used to this myself,” she murmured. “How hot do you like your water?” she asked, looking up at Karn.

He was charmed by her innocent question. How many Mistresses of Yonnie Six would care about their bodyslave’s preferences? He was guessing the number was close to zero and yet Lilli really seemed to take an interest in his well-being.

“I’m sure whatever is comfortable for you will be fine for me, little Mistress,” he rumbled softly. “But thank you for asking after my comfort.”

She bit her lip.

“I suppose I shouldn’t do that. Mother would be angry with me Copyright 2016 - 2024