Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,83

I can be proud of,” she added, glaring at Lilli.

“I’m sorry, Mother. So sorry.” The words were a low sob and they twisted Karn’s heart. “I…I thought he loved me,” she whispered again.

I do! he wanted desperately to shout, but of course he couldn’t. He could only stare at her, hoping she would lift her head and meet his eyes.

“You little fool!” Her mother sounded both disgusted and exasperated. “This is one reason I wanted you to have a quick-grow heir! I thought if she grew fast enough, I might be able to replace you with someone who actually had a decent head for business on her shoulders. But I never dreamed you’d do something like this!

Lilli absorbed her words like a physical blow, her steps staggering for a moment as though her mother had actually struck her. Karn felt a murderous rage sing through his veins. If only he could get out of this damn metal plating, he would show Lilli’s mother exactly how much she had hurt her daughter. He would—

The first Horvath guard cleared his throat.

“Excusse me, Mistresss,” he hissed. “But will you be wanting the Obedienssse Ssskin back?”

Karn held his breath. If he could get this fucking metal suit off, he could press the communications device embedded in the nail of his ring finger and call for help! It would mean the difference between life and death. How much did the damn Obedience Skin cost anyway? He hoped it was extremely expensive so that Mistress Mirabella would ask for it back.

But Lilli’s mother only shook her head.

“Keep it,” she said shortly. “Leave it on him and let him starve, for all I care.”

“Starve?” Lilli’s head jerked up. “Mother—”

“Silence!” Mistress Mirabella hissed. “If you dare say one word in defense of that male I’ll disinherit you! I ought to do so right now but I still need you to get me a decent heir, since I’m too old to carry another child myself. Now get in the ship! We’re going home.”

Karn watched as Lilli hung her head and followed her mother into the sleek silver hover-car ship where he and his little Mistress had made love only a few hours before. How had things changed so drastically so quickly? And how had he gotten her pregnant without bonding her to him?

Karn had no answers. He only knew that the woman he loved was about to fly away from him and he would never see her again.

At the last moment, Lilli turned her head and he managed to catch her eye. He tried to convey how he felt with a look, but she shook her head and turned away.

The door of the silver ship closed behind her and she was gone.


“Go up to your room and think about what you’ve done,” her mother said coldly the moment they arrived back at her mansion. “I’ve got to make some vid calls and clean up this mess you made. I hate to think of the amount of money I’ll have to put out to shut up Mistress Martinet—not to mention Priss Tempertant! You’re going to cost me a ridiculous sum, Lilliana—far more than you’re worth, that’s for certain!”

“I never meant to shame you, Mother,” Lilli said in a small voice.

“You’ve shamed yourself,” Lady Mirabella spat back. “Having you has been the biggest disappointment of my life! But you’ll make it up—I can promise you that. Tomorrow morning we’re going back to Opulex to get that thing inside you removed. And then you’ll be implanted properly with a daughter—a new heir for me—made exactly to my specifications.”

“What?” Lilli’s hand went protectively to her lower belly. “You’re going to make me get rid of Karn’s baby?”

“It’s a male!” her mother snapped. “Of course we’re getting rid of it! A Mistress of Yonnie Six cannot have a male child! The shame of it would ruin our family name forever!”

“But—” Lilli began.

“Go to your room!” her mother snarled. “Now, Lilliana—I mean it! I don’t want to see your face again until I come to get you tomorrow morning.”

Tears running down her face, Lilli turned and fled up the grand staircase.

She didn’t stop until she was in her own room. She flung herself on the bed and pressed her face to a pillow, sobbing so wretchedly it felt like the pain inside her might tear her apart.

But the pillow she had picked was Karn’s. When she breathed in, the big Kindred’s spicy scent invaded her senses, which caused a fresh round of sobbing.

“Oh Karn,” she Copyright 2016 - 2024