Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,79

She could barely even twist her hands and feet at all, let alone slip them loose.

“Now, Lilliana…” Mistress Martinet frowned at her, as though she was a naughty child refusing to take her medicine. “As long as you lie still, the bot should have no trouble getting the needle in the right place. If you start shifting around, however…” She shook her head and made a tsking sound with her pursed lips. “Well, in that case, I can’t promise the needle might stab you someplace else—which would be much more painful than the regular procedure, I promise you.”

“But I don’t want to be stabbed inside with a needle!” Lilli gasped. She could feel tears stinging her eyelids and this time she couldn’t hold them back. “I agreed to be impregnated but please, don’t use the needle!”

“I’m sorry,” Mistress Martinet said coldly. “But your mother didn’t pay me to go soft the minute I saw a few tears. If you’ll just hold still, the whole thing will be over momentarily.”

She pressed another button and the bottom half of the chair split abruptly, parting Lilli’s legs though she tried desperately to keep them closed. The seat of the chair arched up, tilting her pelvis and opening her even more.

“Now look,” Mistress Martinet said, frowning. “I’ll retract the needle for now, at least.” She pressed another button and the long, silver needle slid soundlessly back into its phallic sheath. “It won’t come out again until the tip of the insemination phallus is right against your cervix,” she promised.

This did little to calm Lilli down. Mistress Martinet was simply telling her she would be stabbed later on, rather than right away. It didn’t really matter because either way, she was going to get stabbed—and in a terribly sensitive place, too!

“No!” she moaned as the thick silver probe began moving towards her unprotected pussy. “No, please!”

Outside the plastiglass barrier, she could see Karn shouting and pounding on the glass. But it was too strong. She couldn’t even hear him through it, let alone see any cracks in the impenetrable shield between them.

When his fists didn’t work, the big Kindred reached for the metal chair he’d been sitting in. Lifting it over his head, he swung it as hard as he could against the plastiglass.

The chair bounced off harmlessly—though it did leave a small crack in the barrier, Lilli saw hopefully.

Mistress Martinet saw it too.

“That’s enough of that!” she exclaimed. Reaching around Lilli’s neck, she snatched off the chain which held the remote to Karn’s pain collar.

“No!” Lilli gasped in horror as she turned and pointed it at the big Kindred.

“I’ve had enough of this,” Mistress Martinet said through clenched teeth. She shot Karn a triumphant look and pressed the big red “pain” button on the remote as hard as she could.

Nothing happened.

Well, nothing but Karn picking up the other chair and hurling it at the plastiglass barrier as well.

“What’s wrong with this thing?” Mistress Martinet jammed her finger down on the button again and again, still with no results. Karn kept raging, shouting so loudly that Lilli could hear him, even through the soundproof plastiglass.

“Hurt my Mistress and I’ll fucking kill you!” he was shouting. His mismatched eyes had gone a blazing, blood-red.

Lilli was hopeful that Mistress Martinet might think she needed to stop the insemination procedure due to Karn’s attack on the plastiglass. But when the small crack he had first made didn’t grow any bigger—no matter how many times he slammed the chair against it—she appeared to decide to get back to business.

“Now, just hold still and it will be over before you know it,” she said to Lilli, pressing another button.

This caused the long metal arm—which had frozen in midair for a moment—to start moving again. It snaked towards Lilli, the thick metallic phallus at its end glimmering ominously in the bright overhead lights.

Lilli shifted her hips from side to side, trying to avoid the damn thing. But the metallic arm moved in a snake-like fashion, anticipating her moves and finding her entrance anyway.

“No!” she moaned as the ice-cold tip of the phallus probed at the mouth of her pussy. “No, I don’t want this!”

“Just hold still,” Mistress Martinet told her, through gritted teeth. “Honestly, your mother is not paying me enough! I’ve never had such a troublesome client—never.”

“Please!” Lilli begged as the phallus began forcing its way inside her. It was horribly thick and freezing cold, just as she had been warned. If she hadn’t been making love with Karn so Copyright 2016 - 2024