Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,67

spending time with her at all!

She felt guilty, having such thoughts about her own mother. But once she had admitted to them, she couldn’t take them back. Her mother was awful to be around—always critical and overbearing and never kind or loving, as a mother was supposed to be. At least, Lilli thought that was how a mother should be—it was how Karn said his own mother had been.

And speaking of Karn, all she wanted right then was to curl up in the big Kindred’s arms and let him take care of her.

But of course, that wasn’t possible. After the injection, Lilli’s mother insisted on the two of them having dinner together. She told Lilli about her business trip, expecting her to know all about the family business—which bored Lilli to tears—and randomly inserted pieces of criticism about Lilli’s hair, figure, face, and style of clothing.

By the time the dinner was over, Lilli had felt both physically and emotionally exhausted. She had excused herself as early as possible to go back to her room, saying that she had to get a good night’s sleep so that she could get an early start on her trip to Opulex the next morning.

Her mother seemed to want to stay up and criticize some more, but at last she relented and let Lilli go to bed.

True to her word, Lilli had made an early night of it. She’d cried in Karn’s arms—though she tried not to, her mother’s sharp words cut her like knives and she couldn’t help bleeding. The big Kindred had held her close and then given her a soothing bath to help her relax. For once Lilli hadn’t felt the tingling and so they had simply fallen asleep in each other’s arms without even making love that night.

It wasn’t until the next day, when she and Karn had finally escaped the house and were in the hover ship flying to Opulex, that the tingling had come back with a vengeance.

One minute there had been nothing and the next moment—wham! Lilli gasped in dismay at the sudden need that nearly overwhelmed her—the need to be penetrated, to be filled.

She shifted on the seat, feeling like she might go crazy with the fierce desire. Her nipples were tight little points under the thin pink top she wore. She had on a demi-cup support garment which cupped and held the under-curves of her large breasts without covering the nipples. Suddenly the transparent shimmer-silk that covered her breasts seemed to be rubbing her sensitive peaks in an almost unbearably erotic way.

Down below, things were even worse. Lilli had on a pink, split skirt that matched her top and tiny pink silk panties. The little triangular panel that covered her pussy was suddenly soaked with her juices and her clit was throbbing with need. Worst of all, her pussy suddenly felt so empty. Lilli felt her inner muscles clench, as though begging for something to hold on to. Her channel wanted desperately to be filled and deep within her, her womb was begging to be bathed with seed.

“Oh!” she moaned, doubling over as the terrible needs attacked her all at once.

“Mistress?” Karn, who had been sitting beside her and holding her hand low on the seat and out of the sight of the bodyslave who was driving the vehicle, turned to her quickly. “What is it?” he asked, looking at Lilli anxiously. “What’s wrong, little Mistress?”

Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one looking at her, Lilli saw. Yarks, who was one of her mother’s most trusted bodyslaves, was driving them to Opulex. He was staring suspiciously through the thin, smoked glass barrier that separated the driver’s from the passenger’s seat. Lilli wasn’t sure how much he could hear but she thought it might be a fair amount, since she’d seen her mother speaking through the glass barrier and directing her bodyslaves on various occasions when they flew.

So she couldn’t explain exactly what was happening to Karn—not without arousing more suspicion from Yarks. But she was in such deep need, she didn’t know what to do. She looked at Karn beseechingly.

“I’m all right. I just had a…a sudden cramp,” she said, hoping he would understand.

“A cramp?” he frowned. “What kind of cramp?”

“It…it’s hard to explain,” Lilli faltered. “But I think it might have, uh, something to do with that second shot. The one mother gave me last night?”

“Oh.” Understanding grew in his mismatched eyes. “I see, little Mistress,” he said formally, clearly also speaking for Yarks’ benefit. “Well Copyright 2016 - 2024