Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,59

“I heard some of what she was saying before she sent me away. You don’t have to pretend with me, baby.”

“Oh, Karn…” Lilli couldn’t help herself anymore—the tears just overflowed. “Sometimes I’m not sure…sure if she loves me at all—or even likes me,” she sobbed as the big Kindred took her in his arms.

“It’s okay, just let it all out,” he murmured, rubbing her shoulders and back soothingly. “Everything is going to be all right, sweetheart.”

Lilli pressed her face against his broad chest and let herself be comforted. Karn was so warm and big and solid and he made her feel so safe, so cared for and protected.

At last, she was all cried out. With a trembling sigh, she took a step back and looked up at him with wet eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for being there for me, Karn.”

“There is no place I would rather be than here with you, Lilli,” he murmured. Cupping her face in one hand, he swiped away the tears on her cheek with his thumb. “Come on now, let’s go into the fresher. I’m going to take care of you tonight.”

“You are? How?” Lilli asked uncertainly.

“You’ll see.” Karn gave her a hint of his crooked grin as he led her into the bathing chamber.

He undressed her, then drew her a warm bath and got into it with her so that he could wash her everywhere.

“I’m the Mistress, though,” Lilli protested as he began to soap her arms and back. “I’m supposed to be washing you.”

“Not tonight, baby,” Karn told her. “Tonight I’m taking care of you completely.” His big hands ran down her sides and then gently cupped her bare breasts. “Do you want this?” he murmured in her ear. “If you’re too tired—”

“No, I’m not too tired,” Lilli said quickly. Now that the big Kindred had comforted her and helped her put her mother’s mean words out of her mind, she was feeling that tingling ache again, spreading from the place she’d had the hormone shot to the tips of her nipples and her throbbing pussy.

“Mmm, didn’t have to think twice about that, did you, baby?” Karn rumbled in her ear, sounding amused. “All right then…” His big hands came up, rubbing slippery soap over her bare breasts as he tugged lightly on her aching nipples.

“Ohhh!” Lilli moaned and leaned back against him, her head against his broad chest and her breasts thrust out as he caressed them. “Oh, yes, Karn!” she whispered.

“Gods, so hot and ready,” he growled and then one hand was slipping below the water to cup her pussy. “I bet I could rub your hot little clit right now and you’d come for me in under a minute,” he murmured in Lilli’s ear. As he spoke, one long finger slipped into her inner folds and found the sensitive little button.

“Karn!” Lilli gasped and arched back against him, spreading her legs wider in the steaming water.

“That’s right, baby—open for me,” he murmured hoarsely in her ear.

But then, just a moment later when Lilli was feeling her pleasure start to build, he withdrew.

Lilli felt like she might scream with sexual frustration. All day long from the moment she’d woken up, Karn had been touching and teasing her in some way or another. And she still hadn’t gotten to come. She felt like if she didn’t reach orgasm soon she was going to die.

“What…why did you stop?” she gasped, looking over her shoulder at him.

Karn’s eyes were blazing with lust.

“Because this isn’t the way I want to bring you, baby—isn’t the way I want you to come.”

“How, then?” Lilli demanded.

But he only gave her that crooked smile and murmured again, “You’ll see.”

He pulled her into his arms and then rose easily and stepped out of the tub. After drying them both off, he carried Lilli into the bedchamber and laid her down on her bed with her lower legs hanging down over the end. Then he grabbed a pillow and positioned it on the floor in front of where she was lying.

Lilli looked at him uncertainly as he sank to his knees, resting on the pillow so that he was between her knees.

“What…what are you doing, Karn?” she asked, her heart pounding against her ribs. Both of them were naked and she felt open and vulnerable lying in the middle of the bed with the big Kindred kneeling before her.

“Finishing what I started,” he growled. “So spread your legs and let me in, little Mistress.”

Trembling, Lilli did as he said. Copyright 2016 - 2024