Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,47

had come time to speak her piece, she’d stumbled and bumbled and forgotten every word. In the end, she’d nearly fainted from mortification and misery.

This experience was much worse. This time it wasn’t just other girls from the convent and the kindly Sisters watching. This time it was everyone who counted on Yonnie Six and all of them were judging her—harshly.

Lilli had seen the way Priss had preened and strutted and yanked on her bodyslave’s leash, forcing him to kiss her panties. But there was no way she could act like that with Karn. All she could do was stand there, in the middle of the stage, feeling like she had back at the convent auditorium with everyone snickering and giggling and waiting for her to say or do something—anything at all—while she stood there, frozen.

“Mistress Lilliana,” the announcer said and Lilli had the idea that he’d already said it twice before and still she was just standing there.

Suddenly Karn dropped to his knees before her.

“Mistress,” he growled, looking up at her and taking her hands in his. “Allow me to pay obeisance to you.”

“Oh, uh…” Lilli felt like her tongue was tied in knots.

“Look at me,” Karn murmured, for her ears alone. “Lilli, look at me—just concentrate on me and forget what everyone else is doing.”

“All right.” She looked into his mismatched eyes and suddenly found herself drowning in their gold and blue depths.

“Mistress,” Karn rumbled. “May I have the honor of kissing your panties?”

Doing as he had told her, Lilli forced herself to focus on the big Kindred and nothing else.

“Yes,” she said softly, reaching out to stroke his cheek. “Oh yes, Karn—you may.”

“Thank you, Mistress.” And taking her hips in his big hands, he pulled her forward and kissed her.

Lilli bit her lip as she felt his mouth fall, not on the golden lace of her panties, but directly on her exposed and throbbing clit. She couldn’t help moaning as Karn’s hot, wet tongue slid around and around her tender little pearl and then found its way even lower, bathing her entire inner pussy.

“Oh, Karn,” she moaned, grasping his broad shoulders for support as he continued to lick and suck her avidly. He was sending sparks of pleasure through her entire body, making her feel weak in the knees. She forgot all about the fact that she was on a stage, forgot all the other Mistresses watching her. All she could concentrate on was the big Kindred and how much she loved his mouth on her.

She didn’t know how long it lasted, only that when Karn finally pulled back—his mouth shiny with her juices, his eyes half-lidded with lust—she was so close to the edge it felt like even the slightest touch might tip her over into orgasm.

“Karn!” she begged. “Why…why did you stop?”

“Because there are other Mistresses waiting to be announced,” he murmured and nodded at the servant who was announcing people. There was a line of women and bodyslaves behind him and the servant had his arms crossed over his chest and was frowning and tapping his foot impatiently.

But their performance—or rather, Karn’s performance—seemed to have had a completely different effect on the watching Yonnite Mistresses. As Lilli and Karn pulled apart and the big Kindred rose to his feet, they began to clap.

“Oh!” Lilli put a hand to her heart, surprised as she looked out on the sea of approving faces. “Oh, are they clapping for us?”

“They’re clapping for you, little Mistress,” Karn murmured in her ear. “For training me so well.”

“But I never trained you to do any of that!” Lilli protested. “You just, uh, did it.”

“They don’t know that,” Karn pointed out. “So don’t let them find out. Hold your head high and lead me like the dominant Mistress you are.”

Lilli did her best to follow his instructions. Holding her head up, she made her way to a table in the back of the room where Yulla Yodermouth and Beelie and Bodie Bodypom were waving at her to come sit with them.

“Wow, that was really impressive!” Beelie said as Lilli seated herself and Karn took up his position behind her chair.

“Yeah—even better than Priss,” Bodie said. “Don’t tell her that, though,” she added.

“Because here she comes!” Beelie finished for her twin.

Oh, no! Lilli had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. If she’d known Priss was sitting at this table, she would have sat with her mother instead. Or anyplace there was a free chair, for that matter.

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