Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,36

a middle ground—one where the two of them pleasured each other and didn’t worry about who was in charge.

Karn leaned down, his face close to hers as she stroked him.

“Make me come, baby,” he growled softly, looking into her eyes. “Your little hands on me feel so good—make me spend for you.”

“Yes, Karn,” she whispered breathlessly. Slipping off the sponge glove, she took his long shaft in her bare hand and began to stroke in a hot, quick rhythm. At the same time, she reached beneath his shaft with her other hand and cradled the heavy sac hanging there. She weighed his balls in her palm and then gently tickled them, using just the tips of her fingers.

“Gods, little Mistress—coming! Coming so hard,” Karn groaned and leaned over her, bracing his hands on either side of her head at the back wall of the shower.

His face was tight with pleasure and Lilli felt the massive shaft grow suddenly even harder and thicker in her hand. Then his cock spasmed in her fingers and the first spurt of his cream shot out.

It was followed by another and another and—because of their position—each one hit Lilli in her lower belly.

She watched, mesmerized, as his hot seed ran down to the soft curls of her mound. It was an erotic sight and with Karn looming over her and blocking the flow of water from the ceiling, there was nothing to wash it away. It dripped down through her curls and into the slit of her pussy and then Lilli noticed something strange.

From the moment she’d woken up, the tingling in her pussy—which had spread from the site where she’d been injected—had been nearly constant. It was an uncomfortable feeling—the same pins and needles sensation you got when you sat on your foot or slept wrong on your arm and the body part in question falls asleep.

This was an odd and distracting sensation to have in her pussy—especially in her sensitive clit. It had gotten better when Karn was rubbing and touching her, but the moment he stopped, it had returned.

Now, as Lilli watched the white cream drip down into her slit and find its way between her puffy pussy lips, she felt an easing of the strange sensation. It was almost as though the big Kindred’s cream was a soothing balm which eased the tingling ache.

As he had the night before, Karn kept coming and coming and spurt after spurt of creamy white painted her belly, just as he had predicted. Experimentally, Lilli pushed his throbbing cock lower, pointing the head directly between her pussy lips, which she spread with trembling fingers.

As the first spurt of cream hit her throbbing clit, she felt a surge of relief. Goddess, it felt so much better than it had! Until she’d gotten a rest from the awful tingling, Lilli hadn’t realized how bad it was. She felt like a person with a sunburn at last applying soothing cool-gel ointment.

But the moment Karn saw what she was doing, he attempted to pull back.

“Whoa, little Mistress,” he growled, frowning. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Well, I…” Lilli felt her cheeks get hot. “I just…wanted to see what your cream felt like inside me,” she confessed. “Why—shouldn’t I?”

“Not unless you want a big belly,” Karn growled. He sighed and shook his head. “You’re damn lucky I’m a Hybrid Kindred, Mistress, and unable to impregnate you. Otherwise, you might be in real trouble.”

“You can’t?” Lilli asked, looking up at him. “I mean, why not?”

He shrugged, his broad shoulders beaded with water.

“It’s just the way it is with Kindred—we can’t get a female pregnant until we bond with her and Hybrids can almost never bond. So this is safe with me…” he nodded down to where the head of his shaft was nearly touching the pink pearl of her clit. “But don’t ever try it with any other male.”

“I wouldn’t want to,” Lilli said. “You’re the only one I want to do this with, Karn.” She looked up at him. “Can you…could you shoot again? I…I like the way your cream feels on the inside of me.”

His voice dropped to a low growl.

“You mean the inside of your pussy, baby?”

“Uh-huh.” She nodded and looked down to where she was still holding her pussy open with two fingers. “Can you do it, Karn? Can you, uh, cream me one more time?”

“Gods, you’re so sexy,” he growled. “And the sight of your soft little pussy all filled with my cream makes me so Copyright 2016 - 2024