Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,34

hips bucked up at the gentle contact. “Oh, Goddess! Yes…yes, I am,” she panted as Karn continued to pleasure her. “I mean I…I’ve never been penetrated before.”

“And do you have a maiden barrier? Inside?” He illustrated by sliding that single finger into the opening of her pussy and pressing gently inward.

Lilli shook her head.

“N-no,” she stuttered. “I know some females in other cultures or species do, but I don’t.”

“Good. Then there’s nothing to stop me from doing this.”

Karn slid his finger all the way inside her and she felt him press against the end of her channel.

“Oh!” Her hips bucked again. “That feels…different.”

“Do you want me to stop?” His thumb had replaced his fingertip now and he was once again circling her aching clit. Lilli had the urge to press her legs together, to push him in deeper for some reason. She had to fight to keep her thighs spread wide instead.

“No,” she whispered. “Oh, Karn, that feels so…so I don’t even know. I…I feel like I’m climbing towards some kind of peak somehow.”

“You’re getting ready to come—to have an orgasm, baby,” he murmured. “Have you ever had one before?”

Lilli shook her head doubtfully.

“I…I don’t think so. I know an orgasm is what happens when males spend their seed. But I don’t…I didn’t know women could have them too.”

“Oh, they most certainly can, little Mistress.” Karn’s eyes flashed. “It would be my very great pleasure to give you your first orgasm, if you’d let me.”

“How…how will you do it?” Lilli gasped.

“Just like this,” Karn assured her. “Slow, steady, gentle stroking all around your Goddess pearl should bring you over the edge before you know it.”

“Yes,” Lilli whispered, moving her hips again. “Oh Goddess, yes—I can see what you mean. Oh, Karn, I feel so close—”

“Lilliana, aren’t you up yet?” her mother’s voice interrupted her bliss—blasting from the com system box over her bed. “This is ridiculous! I’ve never known you to sleep in this late. Whatever are you still doing in your bedroom at this hour?”


“I’m up!” Lilli jumped guiltily and looked at the box. Her heart was pounding as she sat up in bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, as though her mother could see her instead of just hearing her.

“Well get a shower and come down for breakfast,” her mother instructed. “You can’t stay all day in bed, sleeping your life away!”

“Yes, Mother,” Lilli said quickly. “Are you waiting for me to eat?”

“Certainly not—I don’t have time for that,” Lady Mirabella snapped. “I have business to attend to. Oh—and while you’re in the shower, be sure you shave. The Civics Award banquet is tonight and you’ll need to wear formal panties along with your outfit.”

“Formal panties?” Lilli asked doubtfully. She still wasn’t sure about all the different forms of dress she was supposed to get used to. Back in the convent things had been so much simpler.

“Yes—they’re very small and ornamental,” her mother said. “I got you a whole drawer-full along with the rest of your wardrobe before I brought you home from the convent. Be certain they fit you correctly. Oh—and be sure that new bodyslave of yours knows how to kiss them.”

“Kiss them?” Lilli asked blankly.

“Oh, I forgot this will be your first truly formal social event.” Her mother sighed in a long-suffering way that sounded extremely loud through the com box. “When you’re presented at a formal event, your bodyslave must kneel and kiss your panties. It shows your power over him and his respect for you. Be certain your bodyslave knows how to do it correctly. I do not wish to be embarrassed at a formal event!”

“Yes, Mother,” Lilli said again. “We’ll be ready. Um, when is the awards ceremony again?”

“I told you already—tonight,” her mother snapped. “So be certain you’re ready.”

“Yes, M—” Lilli began but the com box clicked off before she could finish.

“Well, guess we’d better get moving,” Karn remarked. Slowly, he withdrew his long finger from her pussy channel and sucked it into his mouth. “Delicious, little Mistress,” he growled softly.

“Oh, you…you think so?” Lilli asked.

“Of course.” Karn gave her half-lidded look. “Do you want to finish what we started before we go down to First Meal?”

Lilli was tempted to say yes. She wanted to ask him to touch her again—to give her the orgasm he had promised. Her pussy was throbbing with need and she felt terribly unfulfilled.

But a summons from her mother could not be ignored.

“Better not,” she said reluctantly. “Let’s grab a quick shower and Copyright 2016 - 2024