Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,32

she agreed with him a hundred percent.

“She is awful,” she admitted. “But she said something about a Kindred bodyslave, uh, killing his Mistress.”

“Oh yeah—I heard her talking about that.” Karn’s face was grim. “She was getting pretty graphic, wasn’t she?”

“She said he…he ripped her head off,” Lilli whispered. “But I thought you told me that the Kindred don’t hurt women?”

“We don’t.” Karn’s voice was firm. “We’re biologically hardwired to protect and care for females. It’s probably one reason we’ve become such a popular choice for bodyslaves among the Yonnite elite,” he added ruefully.

“I’m sorry—I shouldn’t have asked,” Lilli said, looking down at her hands.

“Of course you should. You have a right to feel safe with me,” Karn said, frowning. “It’s my belief, though, that this Kindred bodyslave Priss was telling you about, was framed. I just don’t see how any Kindred could kill a female so brutally—not even one who had enslaved him.”

“Priss did say I ought to check my mother’s records,” Lilli said, brightening. “I wonder if she would have something about the case in her files?”

“Possibly,” Karn rumbled, looking thoughtful. “Though you’d have to be certain not to do it when she was around. I could help you, little Mistress. We could investigate the case together.”

“Oh, I like that!” Lilli exclaimed. “Like another secret—just between the two of us!”

“Exactly.” Karn cleared his throat. “You, uh, know where your mother keeps her information from the Sacred Seven, do you?”

“Oh, yes. It’s her private office in the far corner of the East Wing,” Lilli said. “She showed it to me and gave me the combination to open the door the first day she brought me home. She’s very proud of her place in the Sacred Seven,” she added, frowning. “I think she hopes I’ll follow in her footsteps.”

“Do you want to?” Karn asked.

Lilli shook her head.

“Not really. Being in the Sacred Seven seems to mean attending lots and lots of parties and events and award ceremonies and banquets like the one last night.” She made a face. “I hate that kind of thing. I’d much rather stay home and read a good book or watch a vid all snuggled up on the couch.”

“You’re an introvert,” Karn said, giving her a smile. “I thought so. Being around a big group of people makes you feel nervous and drained.”

“That’s exactly how I feel!” Lilli looked up at him. “How can you already know me so well?”

Karn raised an eyebrow.

“Isn’t it a bodyslave’s job to know his Mistress’s likes and dislikes?”

“Well, yes, I suppose. But I never knew of a bodyslave who took such an interest in his Mistress’s thoughts and feelings before.”

“Well, I’m interested in yours, little Mistress.” Karn stroked her cheek. “Very interested. I want to prove to you that Kindred can be gentle.”

“You…you do?” Lilli whispered. For some reason her heart had started pounding as she looked up into his mismatched eyes.

“We have to be,” Karn rumbled. “After all, we’re often so much larger than our mates. For instance, if you were my mate and I was going to make love to you, I’d be extremely careful because you’re so much smaller…so delicate and sweet.”

Lilli, who had always been on the plump side, had never been called “delicate” before. But she found she liked it—liked it a lot.

“What…what would you do if I was your mate?” she asked Karn. “I mean, how…how would you touch me?”

He stroked her cheek gently.

“Would you like me to show you, little Mistress? It might be easier for you to understand that way.”

Lilli nodded her head even though she was pretty sure this was wrong.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Karn—show me.”

“Lie back against my arm, then.”

He got her settled comfortably in the crook of one muscular arm so that Lilli was lying on her back and he was leaning over her.

“First of all,” he murmured in her ear. “If you were my mate instead of my Mistress, I’d touch you very gently, all over.”

Lilli shivered as his big, warm hand brushed lightly over her body, paying special attention to the ripe tips of her nipples, which were pressing up through the thin fabric of her nightdress, and the V between her legs. Involuntarily, she parted her thighs, giving the big Kindred easier access to her pussy, which was just barely covered by the bottom edge of her dress.

“Oh, Karn,” she whispered. “That feels really good.”

“Of course it does, baby,” he murmured, looking into her eyes as he brushed over her nipples again. “Feels good to me Copyright 2016 - 2024