Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,30

because as he turned to go, she reached for him.

“Karn,” she begged, putting a hand on his arm. “Don’t go. Sleep with me tonight.”

Karn frowned.

“Sleep with you? Is that proper, little Mistress?”

She shook her head, her honey blonde curls tumbled around her face.

“I don’t care about that. I want you beside me—please?”

Karn couldn’t deny her. Exchanging the uncomfortable bodyslave gear for the sleep trousers, he slipped under the covers with her.

Lilli turned to him at once and pillowed her head on his chest.

“Mmm, you’re so warm, Karn,” she murmured and yawned again before snuggling even closer to him.

Karn put an arm around her and relished the feel of her soft, curvy body pressed against his own. This was certainly not the way he’d expected to end his first night as a bodyslave on Yonnie Six, but he wasn’t complaining.

Later, when she was completely asleep, he would get up and search for Mistress Mirabella’s private study. But for now, he told himself, he would simply enjoy holding the curvy little female in his arms.

She felt so right there—it was a shame their relationship was only temporary.

The thought made his heart fist in his chest and he pushed it away. As long as he was here, he would live in the moment, he promised himself. He would get his mission accomplished, but he wouldn’t think about the end or leaving Lilli. He would stay with her and care for her as long as he could…

It was the only thing he could do.


Lilli woke up the next morning because her leg was tingling. The inside of her left thigh felt so strange and the tingling seemed to be moving…changing. What was wrong with her?

She shifted and felt an unfamiliar sensation—someone else was in the bed with her.

At first she thought she was back at the convent and one of the other girls had climbed in her bunk in the middle of the night to keep warm. The convent was built of centuries-old solid gray stone which seemed to hold in the cold and chill no matter what season or temperature it was outside.

But none of the other girls at the convent had been so big…or so muscular. And none of them had smelled so good. A warm, dark, masculine spice that seemed to awaken all her senses and make the tingling in her leg move up to the tips of her breasts and between her legs.

The tingling got stronger and Lilli shifted and squeezed her thighs together tightly, trying to ease the ache which was growing there. This action pressed her bottom against the person behind her and she felt a hard lump rubbing between her thighs.

Mmm, feels good, Lilli thought. Still half asleep, she parted her thighs a bit and tilted her hips backwards. This pressed the hard lump directly against her outer pussy lips, which felt even better.

With a little moan, Lilli widened her stance, opening her thighs and pressing back hard, so that the heated ridge of flesh parted her outer lips and rubbed her sensitive inner folds.

It wasn’t exactly an ideal angle, but suddenly she felt so hot and needy between her legs, she couldn’t seem to help herself. She moaned again and pressed harder, working herself against the hardness, getting closer and closer to the peak she so desperately needed to reach…

“Having fun, little Mistress?” a deep voice rumbled in her ear.

Lilli gasped and froze, uncertain of what was going on and who was behind her.

Karn! whispered a little voice in her head as she finally came fully awake. Your new bodyslave—remember? You asked him to sleep with you and now you’re rubbing against him like a she-slink in heat!

Deeply embarrassed, Lilli pulled away and clamped her thighs closed. What was wrong with her? She had never done anything like this before. Then again, she’d never slept with a male in her bed before either. But having a male in her bed couldn’t explain her wanton behavior, or the tingling neediness she felt in her nipples and pussy…

“Hey, Lilli?” the big Kindred rumbled. Taking her by the shoulder, he tugged gently until she turned to face him.

“I’m sorry.” Lilli could feel how hot her cheeks were—it almost felt like she had a fever! “I…I didn’t mean to,” she said, unable to meet his eyes. “I was…I was only half awake and I didn’t…didn’t know what I was doing.”

“It felt to me like you were rubbing your soft little pussy against my shaft,” Karn murmured. He looked down at Copyright 2016 - 2024