Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,2

plumper than Mistress Mirabella with softly rounded curves Karn found immensely appealing. Her honey-blonde hair hung in lose ringlets around her oval face and her big brown eyes were wide as she looked from side to side at the massive naked males on display.

“Come along, Lilliana,” Mistress Mirabella snapped at her. “Don’t shilly-shally so! I know you’ve never been to a bodyslave market before but there’s no excuse to lag behind.”

“I…I’ve just never seen so many males. And…and all without their clothes.” The girl’s voice was soft and uncertain. “I never knew what they looked like with no clothes on before!”

“Honestly!” Mistress Mirabella blew out a breath impatiently. “I knew I should have picked a more liberal place to have you raised until I was ready to make you my heir. But the Sisters of Chastity and Honor came so highly recommended.” She frowned at the girl who must be her daughter—though they looked nothing alike to Karn. “Do stop staring at their shafts! It’s not like they have any use to us—a bodyslave’s shaft is only useful for display purposes. And we don’t use that part of them for anything else!”

“But…but they’re so big,” Lilli murmured and Karn saw—with some discomfort—that her big brown eyes were now fixed on him. She was staring right between his legs.

“Yes, well. That’s to be expected with this kind of slave. Kindred, is he?” Mistress Mirabella said to Lady Tikka as they came to a stop before Karn’s pedestal.

“Indeed he is, Lady Mirabella.” Mistress Tikka raised her chin. “And a prime specimen as you can tell. Are you looking for a protector or simply a big, frightening showpiece male to increase your status?”

Karn snarled menacingly to show that he was well able to fulfill either function. The expression showed off his fangs to best advantage, which were his heritage from the Blood Kindred side of his family.

“Both,” Mistress Mirabella said shortly. “But not for me—for my daughter. She’s only just come of age and this will be her first bodyslave. As such, he will have to be both protective and attentive as she’s very inexperienced.”

Karn quickly wiped off the menacing snarl he’d pasted on his face. If he was going to make the sale it was clear he would have to appeal to the girl, who was looking up at him with a mixture of fear and uncertainty on her lovely face.

“The Kindred can do that,” Mistress Tikka said quickly. On top of her fee, she had been promised that she could keep whatever credit Karn’s sale made her, so she was motivated to ‘move the merchandise’ as it were.

“But…he has fangs, Mother!” the girl protested faintly. “I don’t know what to think about that—what if he ties to bite me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Lilli! He has a pain collar—see?” Lady Mirabella pointed at the fake black collar Karn wore around his neck. “He can’t bite you as long as you know how to handle him. Show her,” she demanded, looking at Mistress Tikka. “Give him a good zap.”

“Of course.” Lady Tikka pointed the remote at Karn and made a big display of pressing the pain button.

Right on cue, Karn gasped and fell to his knees, grasping at the collar. Then, because he enjoyed being dramatic, he toppled off the platform and lay gasping and writhing at the feet of the three women.

“Oh, no! Stop—Stop!” Lady Mirabella’s daughter, Lilli, came rushing over to bend down by Karn’s side. “Stop it!” she cried again, looking up at Mistress Tikka. “Can’t you see you’re hurting him?”

“As you wish.” Mistress Tikka pointed the remote again and pressed the button.

Karn went limp at once and lay panting, like a male who had just run a desperate race. His long hair was in his face but he made no move to brush it away from his eyes. It was annoying, but much better to look like he was so exhausted from dealing with the terrible pain that he couldn’t even move, he thought.

Then, to his surprise, he felt a soft hand lifting the long strands away from his face. Rolling his eyes upward, he saw Lilliana—Lilli—bending over him.

“Are you all right?” she whispered, looking into his eyes as she cupped his cheek. “You poor thing! I’m so sorry they did that to you. It was dreadful—I would never treat you so. I promise.”

Karn felt a sudden, unfamiliar pressure in his heart as those big, brown eyes looked down into his. It was like she had cupped the beating muscle Copyright 2016 - 2024