Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,14

mother’s neglect right now.

“Hadn’t you better put that uh, harness thing on my shaft?” he asked, tactfully changing the subject.

“Oh—the stay-hard band. Yes, of course!”

Lilli picked it up off the counter and knelt in front of him to put the harness on his cock. “Let’s see now,” she murmured. “These things can be so tricky…”

Her position with her face so close to his cock made Karn throb even more. He tried to hold still for the ticklish business of her fitting the black leather strap around the base of his shaft. At first she wasn’t sure if it should go above his mating fist or below it. But the mating fist was too big for it, so that answered that question. Then she had to work out how to fit the bottom part of it around his balls which was fucking uncomfortable and made his sac look even bigger than it was.

But finally the entire black leather contraption was on and buckled in place so that his shaft stuck out like a big red exclamation point, Karn thought dryly. He felt faintly ridiculous but he supposed every male at the banquet tonight would look the same, so there was no point worrying about it. He wasn’t here for a fashion show, after all, but to get the names of the kidnapped and enslaved Kindred warriors.

And also to spend some time with his enchanting new Mistress.


“Lilliana—aren’t you ready uet?” Lady Mirabella’s sharp voice came again from the com box just as Lilli had finished getting Karn all ready to go. “The guests are starting to arrive!”

“I’m ready. Er…almost!” Lilli looked down at herself. “That is, I have my bodyslave all ready to go and I’m dressed, but I still don’t have the nipple drops on,” she called, looking down at her bare nipples, which showed clearly through the front of her top.

“Well then put them on! We can’t greet our guests half dressed,” her mother scolded. “Now hurry! I expect you out here in five minutes!” The com box clicked off.

Lilli reached quickly for the diamond nipple drops but her fingers were still slippery with the shaft oil and the little things slipped right through her fingers.

“Oh!” she exclaimed and bent to pick them up. She got them in one hand and started to raise her top…but remembered just in time that she would get oil all over it if she touched it.

Laying the drops carefully on the counter, she went to the sink and began scrubbing her hands. But the slippery shaft oil wouldn’t come off completely, no matter how much she scrubbed. Still, she got enough off that she could touch the edge of her top without marking it and raised it quickly to bare her breasts. Watching herself in the mirror, she attempted to put the little gold ring around her right nipple…only to have it squirt like a slippery seed out of her fingers again and fly through the air, headed right for the drain of the sink.

“Oh, n—” Lilli started but Karn caught the nipple drop in one hand, showing amazingly fast reflexes, she thought, for such a huge male.

“Mistress,” he said, holding it up to show her it was safe. “Why don’t you let me help you put these on?”

“Oh, but…you can’t touch me right now—can you?” Lilli would have liked his help very much, but she didn’t want him to be shocked by his pain collar.

“I think if you just press the pause button on my collar’s remote I’ll be able to touch you,” he said. “Why don’t you try it? You’re never going to get these little things on by yourself, I’m afraid.”

Lilli was sure he was right. She’d never worn nipple drops before and she didn’t particularly want to start now. Still, what her mother said was law so she had no choice.

“All right,” she said. Picking up the remote, she pressed the little “pause” symbol on it and looked anxiously at Karn. “Now can you touch me?”

“Yes.” He nodded and gave her that charming, lopsided grin which only showed one fang. “But I need to get you where I can reach you first. Here, little Mistress.”

And reaching out, he took her by the waist and lifted her up to sit on the high marble countertop beside the sink.

“Oh!” Lilli gasped. She was a bit flustered at being picked up and moved around so easily, as she hadn’t been since she was a child. She certainly hadn’t been the thinnest girl at Copyright 2016 - 2024