Pros & Cons of Betrayal - A. E. Wasp Page 0,88

back. Still naked, thank god, if not quite as excited as he had been. I would fix that ASAP.

“Did you have to go to the gift shop?” he asked.

“Do not get snarky with me,” I said, letting my bathrobe slip to the ground. “I have waited fifteen years for this and I have no time for your lip.”

“Let me guess, one of your crew?” He carefully set his phone on the nightstand.

“Yes. Oh, and they want to know if they can listen in.”

He blinked at me. “Seriously?”


“What did you tell them?”

“I said I didn’t care if you didn’t care.” I really didn’t. I’ve had monitored sex before for jobs and found I had a bit of an exhibitionist streak.

He frowned. “How about we give it a pass and we can circle back to it next time?” He made a circling motion with his index finger.

“Never do that again,” I said. Grabbing my phone, I sent off a quick text to Breck. Sorry. He says maybe next time.

No problem, he sent back right away. But I want details.


“Do you need some more time?” Eric asked with a pointed look at my phone.

“Shut up,” I ordered. I was a man with a mission. Standing at the foot of the bed, I grabbed his ankles and dragged him flat on the bed. He laughed as I crawled up his body, fuzzy pink handcuffs dangling from my hand. I stopped when I was straddling his chest. No mean feat as his chest was ridiculously broad. I felt the stretch in my hips. The way he looked, with bite marks and bruises in the shape of my mouth on his skin, made my heart pound and the blood rush to my cock. The look in his big blue eyes as he smiled up at me, took my breath away.

He caressed my thighs slowly as his gaze slid down my body. “I like you bossy.” His hands made their sneaky way around my hips to my ass.

I grabbed his wrist. “Nope. None of that.” I pulled his hands off me, trapping them against his chest. I snapped the cuffs around one of his wrists and then ran into a roadblock. “Shit.”


The problem was the fancy bed was a mattress pressed up against a padded headboard that was attached to the wall. There was nowhere to attach the handcuffs. “Damn it.”

He laughed.

“Don’t laugh, this is serious.” I looked around the room for something I could use, somewhere I could put him that wouldn’t end in major bodily injury for either of both of us. Nothing.

He pretended to reach for his phone again. I pinched his nipple hard.

“Ow!” He bitched as he rubbed it. “Now kiss it and make it better.”

I did as ordered and then slid off him, almost falling on my ass. “On the floor,” I said. “Bring the pillows.” There were a lot of pillows. I guess they were part of the advertised ‘luxury.’

“But the bed is so comfy,” he whined.

I glared at him from the floor. “Get down here.”

“Bossy,” he said with a smile. Then he tossed each pillow individually at my head.

“Really, Smallman?” I threw one back at him, an action that may have resulted in a five-minute pillow fight that evolved into some delicious frottage that almost ended my plans for my first bottoming experience.

“No, stop,” I said when I felt him getting close. “No.” I held my finger up like some stern schoolmarm. “We’re doing this.” Sliding out from underneath him, I rolled to the foot of the bed and rested a pillow against the metal foot of the bed and one in front of it. “Lay down there,” I ordered.

He rolled into position with a smirk on his face. “Like this?” He stretched his arms over his head, making his chest look even bigger and displaying his arm muscles to glorious effect.

I hooked the cuffs around the leg of the bed and then fastened the free side to his other wrist. “Now kind of wiggle down.”

He wiggled until he lay stretched out on the floor, a pillow under his head and knees and a third between his head and the metal bed leg.

“Comfy?” I asked.

His face said not really. “Carson, I really like you. I might actually, given another twenty-four hours in your company, be in love with you. Though it could just be Stockholm syndrome. And I really, really want to fuck you. What I do not want is rug burn all over my ass and back and another Copyright 2016 - 2024