Pros & Cons of Betrayal - A. E. Wasp Page 0,84

any other I’d had in my rather extensive experience. It was a tickle that made me shiver and squirm in my seat. I couldn’t help making these breathy sounds that Eric found highly amusing.

He kept it up until I couldn’t tell if it felt good or not. Right before I was going to pull away, he guided my palm to his mouth and kissed it gently. “Very nice hands,” he said, then laid my hand on his thigh, so that my fingers caressed the crease of his thigh.

“That is seriously distracting,” I said.

“So I see,” he said with a leer between my legs where my cock was making a good showing.

“Are you sure we should be doing this—?”

“We should definitely be doing this,” he said.

“Doing this while we’re driving, I was going to say.”

“You could pull over,” he suggested. “We used to fool around in the car all the time.”

“That was because we didn’t have a bed,” I reminded him. “You have a perfectly lovely, completely empty house and I have a budget luxury hotel room with a giant Jacuzzi bathtub.”

“Both of which are about two hours away,” he said.

“Good point. But if we were in a bed, we could get completely naked.”

He groaned and dragged my hand fully onto his cock. “Jake. Unfair. How fast do you think you can make it home?”

“How about we go to the hotel? I think it’s time you officially met my crew.”


“Well, you’ve kind of unofficially met a few of them already,” I said.

He gave me a look. “So that was Danny on the phone. I’m going to kill you.”

“Get in line.”

“Your crew, the men on the phone, they’re here, in town?”

“Yes. One of those lies of omission, I guess. Though, truthfully, if it hadn’t been for Ryan, there would have been no reason for you to meet them.”

“Uh-huh. So, why are they here then? Do they just follow you everywhere? Do you have some sort of evil lair in La Crosse?”

“I can’t actually tell you why they are here, and the fact that we’re together is something you truly can never mention to Ryan or anyone. It’s for their own safety. And yours.”

“Are you in trouble?” he asked.

Now it was my turn to take his hand. “I really can’t tell you. I can’t compromise the safety of my crew. As soon as I can, if I ever can, I promise I will tell you.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“Right now, with this, I don’t trust anyone. Even Charlie, and he’s dead.”

“Sounded like you trusted that Cholula,” he said.

I laughed. “You’re right. I do trust Josie with my life, and yours if it came to that. I wouldn’t have given her Shauna otherwise.”

“Do I get to meet her?” he asked.

“No, she’s not here. She’s off doing her own thing and it’s for the best.” It was always best not to know exactly what Josie was up to.

“I have to confess, this is all kind of exciting. Kind of sexy actually.”

I gave a mental fist pump. Yes. I mean, I couldn’t argue with him, but I shouldn’t encourage him. “You are messed up in the head,” I told him.

He just laughed. “You love it.”

“I do.” I did.

Eric’s expression turned serious. “All joking aside, I’m starting think we really underestimated how much my mother dying affected us. And your father leaving. And then the shit that went with down with Bob and us. I’m thinking therapy for both of us.”

“Yeah? For real?”

“For real,” he answered.

“You’re probably right. Big Daddy is always saying we all need therapy. Thing Two and Speedy are going. I know Rusty went.” Miranda had very discreet contacts everywhere.

“Will I get to meet all these oddly-named people?” he asked.

“Yes. Like I’ve said, you’ve met some of them.”

“Danny,” he said. “What’s his weird name?”

“Code name or call sign. And it’s Speedy.”

“Is he fast?

“Not particularly. We call him Speedy because he used to be on his high school’s swim team, and he has a habit of wearing these very small Speedos.” Leo had tried, without much success, to get him to wear normal swim shorts.

“And what’s his job?”

“No job, officially. He’s a stray civilian we picked up. Though I guess he’s not a civilian anymore. He’s great for going undercover in certain circumstances.”

“Obviously,” Eric said. “He’s smart, well-spoken. Looks like the kind of kid you’d want your daughter to bring home. I never would have suspected him of anything.”


Eric’s eyes drifted for a second and then he grimaced. “Just thinking about Danny in a Speedo makes Copyright 2016 - 2024