Pros & Cons of Betrayal - A. E. Wasp Page 0,21

as tapping into any security cameras on the property.

“I’d like it on record that I still think this is a terrible idea,” Leo said. “You’re practically daring him to recognize you.”

Like I’d said, Special Agent Shook was perceptive. Maybe I was, but I’d never admit it. “Your objection is noted,” I said. “Danny, would you care to join me in the bathroom?” I looked around the small house. “I assume there is a bathroom.”

Breck snickered. “Oh, there is. You’re going to love it.”

The bathroom was, unsurprisingly, disgusting. I sent Danny back down to fetch whatever cleaning supplies might be found in this place. He returned with a bottle of glass cleaner and a roll of paper towels. I did the best I could with the limited supplies and got started with my favorite part of my job, turning myself into someone else.

“I can’t believe this is all it takes to fool people,” Danny said from his perch on the bathroom counter. His feet kicked gently against the bottom of the big double vanity and he was picking through the contents of my makeup bag while he watched me glue on a fake mustache.

“This is probably overkill,” I said as clearly as I could without moving my upper lip. “But it’s been a while since I got to go full out. Don’t tell anyone, but I do rather enjoy it every now and then. When I’m done, my own mother wouldn’t recognize me.”

He held one of the other fake mustaches, a thicker black one, under his nose, frowning to hold it in place. “Considering she hasn’t seen you in person in fifteen years, that’s a pretty low bar,” he said while studying himself in the mirror.

“Thanks,” I said with full sarcasm.

“I want to try it one day.” He picked up a set of blue contact lenses. “Think I could pull these off?”

“You’d be perfect undercover. Because of how you look.”

“Like a generic white boy?” he said with a grin.

“Exactly.” I bopped him on the nose. Not something I ever did, but Danny just brought it out in me. He was like a puppy. A very smart puppy. “Don’t knock it. Those looks come in very handy.”

He stared at the ceiling. “I bet Davis can’t be anonymous anywhere. People probably tell stories about when they first saw him.”

I laughed. “Exactly. And the twins are out for similar reasons. Too easy to describe, though, as you’ve seen, they have their uses.”

“For sure. Built-in alibi, as long as no one knows there are two of you. And perfect for a honeypot job, like we did with the senator.”

“Exactly. Seduction is a very common tool. So how about Steele?” I asked. “What are his strengths and weaknesses and how would you use him?”

Danny thought about it while I dug through my bag of tricks. Sunglasses, obviously, the ones with the camera and nanochip memory, but maybe I’d add a little cheek wax to change the shape of my face. Not that I thought Eric could have picked me out of a lineup and not like I planned to get close to him. Well, not too close, at least not where he would be able to recognize me.

“He has a lot of strengths. Like, well, his strength. He knows military strategy and has combat experience. Also, I bet people underestimate his intelligence because he’s so muscular and Latino.”

“They do,” I agreed. “Weaknesses?” I painted a line of spirit gum on my cheek.

Danny watched closely. “Um…he’s not the most patient guy. Does not suffer fools gladly. Like Ridge.”

“Yes, neither one of them would be right for jobs that require ego-stroking.” I rolled a thin snake of cosmetic wax and stuck it to the line of adhesive. Not too much, just enough to subtly change my profile. Luckily I’d just shaved, so I didn’t have to worry about matching stubble. I started shaping the wax. “How would you use him?”

“I’d use Steele just like we’re doing now,” Danny said. “As anonymous muscle. Hide him in plain sight and let people underestimate his intelligence.”

I nodded. “It’s perfect for him. He needs to work on his Spanish. Speaking of that, do you speak any other languages?”

He frowned, wrinkling his nose adorably. “Four years of French, but I’m not good at it.”

“Keep it up.” I searched for the perfect sponge to spread makeup over my wax. Those ladies at Sephora blended a mean foundation. It matched my skin perfectly. “Being able to speak other languages gives you an advantage. It also Copyright 2016 - 2024