The Promise of Hades (The Hades Trials #3) - Eliza Raine Page 0,36

we defeated him last time? And many strong Titan allies who helped before are now gone, and we do not know where. We must not risk his being freed for anything, or anyone.'

'Brother, you can't put one mortal above the safety of the whole of Olympus,' added Poseidon quietly.

My insides churned as I stared between them, my muscles so tense they throbbed. I couldn't argue. What they were saying was true, and if all eleven of them were in agreement...

'What if the one who sent her to Tartarus last time is an Olympian?' I said, playing my last card. Athena visibly flinched and Hera made a scoffing sound. 'It's the only thing that makes sense, who else would know about Cronos? About what happened before?'

Every pair of eyes around the table bore into mine.

'You are so desperate you would accuse us?' asked Apollo, his voice hard. 'Why would any of us want a war after building this place so perfectly?'

Perfect? Was he not listening every time I told them how twisted the souls entering my realm were becoming? Frustration welled through me, teetering on the edge of rage. I had to make them understand. But before I could say anything, Zeus spoke.

'Even if it is one of us, you need to guard Tartarus. You are Cronos' keeper, and you must be there if anything happens.'

'I can flash there in an instant if needed,' I spat.

'An instant might be all Cronos needs. The decision is final.'



The meal Morpheus served us was fantastic. As we ate Sam asked more questions about the Underworld and Hades, but I struggled to concentrate on the conversation. The final Trial was almost here, and then this would be over. The thought of losing, of Hades wed to someone else, caused a surge of something dark and hot to roll through me, unsettling enough that I stopped myself even considering it. I had to win. There was no alternative. I still didn't know how I could live forever in Virgo, but I knew I at least had to be able to try. I ached to talk to Hades, and almost leaped out of my skin when his voice sounded tentatively in my head.



'Am I interrupting?'

'No, never. I miss you,' I told him.

'Good,' he replied, and I swore I could hear a smile in his mental voice.

'Can I come and get you?'


Hades flashed into Morpheus' rooms a second later, and I was surprised to see him in a black toga instead of his jeans. He looked obscenely hot in it, the glimpse of bare chest making me want to reach out and touch him right there. He nodded politely at everyone, and I told him that Hecate and Morpheus were going to ride with me in the chariot. Genuine relief washed over his tense features, and he thanked them both.

'I must prepare Persephone as best I can for tomorrow, so we are leaving now,' he said.

'Code for screwing,' said Skop, and I glared at him. Hades fixed his gaze on the small dog, and his tail stopped wagging.

'Persephone has no need for a guard tonight,' he said. 'You may stay with Hecate.' Hecate made a noise of protest but a look from Hades made her fall silent.

'This could be my last night with Hades,' I told Skop quickly. 'Please.'

'If anything happens to you, Dionysus will kill me. And not demon-kill me, but actually kill me.'

'What's going to happen to me with the King of the Underworld there to protect me?'

'That's not the point, I'm not supposed to leave your side.'

A long silence filled the room, the mute argument obvious to everyone.

'You can turn back into a gnome and drink this stuff with me if you like. I'm not bothered by your enormous dong,' said Sam, raising a glass at Skop.

'Fine,' Skop said after a second’s hesitation. 'That sounds fair.'

I shook my head with a smile. All it took was some booze to buy his cooperation.

'I'll see you all tomorrow then,' I said, and kissed my brother on the cheek.

'I need the low-down on these mutts of yours,' I said to Hades, once he had flashed us to his rooms. 'And then I need the low-down on this extremely sexy toga of yours...' I made my voice as seductive as I could, but frowned when I saw his expression. 'What's wrong?'

'So many things,' he said, and his words were laden with strain.

'Tell me.'

'I can't-' he began, shaking his head, but I cut him off with an ineffectual shove to Copyright 2016 - 2024