The Promise of Hades (The Hades Trials #3) - Eliza Raine Page 0,33

myself from his hug. 'Then we'll prepare for the next Trial and have a drink. A large one.'

'I'll get the cocktails ready,' said Hecate.

'What's wrong?' I asked as soon as the throne room was empty. The smoke surrounding him fell away and Hades rushed at me. He scooped me up in his huge arms, planting soothing kisses across my neck and shoulder, where Eurynomos had bitten me.

'If you hadn't killed him, I would have,' he whispered, pulling away and gripping my face in his hands. 'You were... incredible.'

'I wouldn't have killed him if he were a real person,' I said firmly. You sure about that? The voice inside me came from nowhere, and I forced it down. I was sure. 'I ate another seed,' I told Hades.

'I can see that. The thorns are back.'

'What else can I do now?'

'Heal yourself faster,' he said, silver eyes flicking to my neck. 'I wish I could stay with you, but I have to meet with the other gods, and it can't wait.' I felt his fury rise within him, and laid my palms on his chest. He took a deep breath. 'Zeus lost control of Eurynomos. I do not want to risk him losing control of Cerberus.'

'Will Cerberus try to eat me?' I asked, as casually as I could. Hades stroked his thumb down my cheek.

'He loved you once.'

'Really? I'm more of a cat person.'

'If you become my Queen again, we can get a cat.' My reaction must have shown on my face because a broad smile spread over his.

'You swear?'

'I swear.'

'Watch me ace this Trial,' I said.

After kissing me like his life depended on it, Hades left to meet with the others gods, promising to tell me all about the hell-hounds when he returned. And show me whatever my gold vines were able to do now.

He flashed me back to my old rooms, where Hecate, Sam and Skop were waiting, with the promised cocktails.

'We can only have a quick celebratory drink now, as we have a dinner invitation,' said Hecate, passing me a glass.

'I still can't believe you killed that thing, Persy, honestly, it was crazy!' Sam interrupted. 'And your neck... I thought you were going to die at one point.' He stopped speaking abruptly, a haunted look taking over his face.

'I'm OK, Sam. A demon is no match for a goddess.' I squeezed his arm encouragingly and took a long drag of my drink. It tasted divine.

'Well yeah, you proved that! You didn't tell me about the thorns.'

'I didn't have them until this morning. I ate another seed.'

'Good,' said Hecate. 'That might have saved your life.'

'Told ya,' said Skop.

'And you were right,' I answered him with a reluctant nod, then turned to Hecate. 'Who is the dinner invitation from?' Please not Zeus, please not Zeus, I prayed silently.

'Morpheus and Hedone. And I think they have good news.'

Hecate flashed us to Morpheus' rooms as soon I'd gulped down my cocktail, and boy did I get some room-envy.

His rooms were just like him, ethereal and floaty and just... magical. There was no better word. The rock walls glowed with stars but of every shade of blue, and they seemed to move like liquid across the rock. Just like his flowy robes. An enormous dining table was laid for five in the middle of the reception room and in the center was a large orb that glowed with yellow light, reminding me of the sun and casting a softer atmosphere across the whole space. Bookcases lined one wall, and an enormous tapestry covered the other. Before I could inspect it though, both Hedone and Morpheus were rising from the table to greet us.

'Persy, you were brilliant today!' beamed Hedone, kissing both of my cheeks. Familiar heat flushed through me at her touch and I felt a pang of sympathy for my brother. He would be completely bowled away by the goddess of pleasure.

To my surprise though, he kept it together pretty well, his cheeks only coloring slightly as she introduced herself. Morpheus seemed to fluster him more, the dream god's unearthly vibe leaving him stammering a bit.

'Please, sit,' Morpheus said, and we all took seats at the grand table. A satyr entered through the open door at the back of the room, carrying a tray of the delicious fizzy wine in saucer glasses.

'Sam, watch out for this stuff, it's not really meant for humans,' I said to him quietly.

'You can heal my hangover,' he grinned at me, and took a big sip. 'Fuck me, Copyright 2016 - 2024