Promise of Blood - By Brian McClellan Page 0,50

his breast pocket. He sat in Adamat’s chair like a schoolboy with perfect posture and his eyes traveled around the room with the steady inspection of someone who sees everything.

“You knew about the coup,” Palagyi said, bringing Adamat’s attention back to him. “Even before the papers. The night before, you were gone half the night. Summoned somewhere. My man saw you leave. You returned and immediately put your family in a carriage to—”

“Somewhere safe,” Adamat finished.

“Somewhere safe,” Palagyi continued. “And then you wrote a lot of letters. Sent them who knows where? You practically ran up to the university, skipping the execution—which seems strange, because not another soul in Adopest did. Since then you’ve been prowling around Adopest, hiring carriages to the north and east, writing more letters. You’ve been to every library in southern Adro.”

“I see you’ve hired better people to follow me,” Adamat said.

“Yes, I did.” Palagyi polished his fingernails on his waistcoat.

“Even so, it took you this long to add things up?”

“I won’t let you spoil my mood,” Palagyi said. “You’re working for Tamas. I know you are. And Lord Vetas knows as well. Along with his master.”

Adamat studied the man behind his desk. “And who might that be?”

“Someone with a vested interest in the affairs of Adro and the rest of the Nine.” It was the first time Lord Vetas had spoken. His voice was quiet, measured with the enunciation of a man educated at the best schools.

“A criminal?” Adamat said. “Palagyi rarely deals with people who aren’t. The Proprietor, perhaps?”

Lord Vetas gave a dry chuckle. “No,” he said.

“Stop trying to change the subject,” Palagyi snarled. He stood up. “You work for Tamas now, don’t you?”

“Sit down,” Lord Vetas said. Palagyi sat.

“And if I do?” Adamat said.

Palagyi opened his mouth.

“Quiet,” Lord Vetas said. He spoke the word softly. Palagyi’s mouth snapped shut. “You may go now, Palagyi. You’ve made the introductions.”

Palagyi glared at Lord Vetas. “Don’t think you’ll take the credit for this yourself. I discovered this. I told Lord—”

The garrote came up around Palagyi’s throat and snapped tight from behind. Adamat drew his cane sword, SouSmith his pistol. Lord Vetas held up a single hand. Adamat froze. He watched in morbid fascination as Palagyi struggled against the strong hands of his own goon, the coal worker with the quick reflexes. Palagyi’s face turned purple, and the goon kept his garrote tight around Palagyi’s throat until long after the life was gone from him. Adamat lowered his cane sword.

Lord Vetas folded his hands back into his lap. “I’ve just taken over your loan from the late Palagyi. It’s in your interest to work for me now.”

“Doing what?” Adamat’s mind raced. Palagyi had been a predictable thug. Adamat could deal with him. This Lord Vetas, however… he was a dangerous man. Dangerous like the Proprietor: the kind that made policemen retire early.

“I want to know everything about Tamas. Everything he does, everything he says to you. What he has you looking for.”

“My loyalties are not for sale,” Adamat said.

“You’ll have to change your loyalties, then.”

“I don’t know who you are, or who your master is,” Adamat said. “I’m loyal to Adro and I will not change that.”

“My master has the Nine’s best interests at heart, I assure you,” Lord Vetas said. His quiet, sibilant voice was beginning to irritate Adamat. He almost had to strain to hear the man.

Adamat said, “The Nine is not the same as Adro. For all I know, you work for the Kez. The newspaper says they’re sending ambassadors and that they still want Tamas to sign the Accords.”

“I don’t work for the Kez.”

“Then who?”

“That is of little consequence to you.”

“You aren’t endearing yourself,” Adamat said. “You come into my home, kill a man in my very living room, and threaten me? How do you know I won’t send for the police this instant?”

A shallow smile flitted across Lord Vetas’s face. “I am not the sort of man one summons the police on,” he warned. “You of all people should know that.”

“Yes. I’d already realized that.” Adamat gritted his teeth. “You’re the type of man who gives face to evil.”

Lord Vetas seemed taken aback. “Evil? No, good sir. Just pragmatism.”

“I know your kind,” Adamat said. “And you seem to know me. Or you think you do. Now, get out of my home.”

He glanced at SouSmith. Palagyi had been strangled by his own man. Would the same thing happen to Adamat? Was SouSmith really a friend? The boxer looked troubled. He watched both the Copyright 2016 - 2024