A Profiler's Case for Seduction - By Carla Cassidy Page 0,49

to have the same kind of soil as the place where the murdered men were buried. I doubt I’ll make it to homecoming.”

“Then I think maybe we should take advantage of what time you have left here in Vengeance,” she replied. She stepped closer to him once again, so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her face, see the desire that darkened his eyes. “I want you, Mark. I know you won’t be here for much longer. I’m not looking for a forever, but I’d like one night with you, a sweet memory to hold tight to when you’re gone.”

“I swore to myself that I was going to stay away from you, that there was no point in continuing having coffee and conversation with you when I wanted so much more. I swore that I wasn’t going to be here tonight and yet here I am.” He pulled a hand from his pocket and raked it through his hair. “Dora, I don’t want to get in your way, to block the path you’ve set for yourself.”

She smiled and a confidence and strength she’d never felt before filled her up. “Nothing and nobody will block my path.” It was true. Only she could screw up her plans for her future—nobody else—and she had no intention of screwing up.

She placed a hand on his chest, where she could feel the strap of his shoulder holster but wanted to feel his heart. “One night, Mark. No promises necessary, no looking forward and no looking back. Just one night.”

He grabbed her to him, and before she could say another word, his mouth slashed down on hers, hot and hungry and filled with the desperate need of a man starved for her.

And she was starved for him. She leaned into him and raised her arms so she could tangle her fingers in his thick hair. At the same time she opened her mouth to him, allowing the kiss to become deep and hot as their tongues explored.

The kiss went on until she was breathless. Finally she broke apart and took his hand in hers. She pulled him toward the stairs, which led up to the bedrooms.

He came willingly with her, and when they were halfway up the stairs, she smelled the scent of lilacs, the candles that she’d lit in hopes that this would happen.

Her heart fluttered rapidly with each step they took. She wanted this, she wanted him, more than she’d ever wanted a man in her life. He would be the first man she’d brought into her life since her rebirth and she knew she’d remember him long after he left Vengeance and her behind.

She pulled him into her bedroom, decorated in lavender and white and lit only by the five fat candles she’d placed around the room. The bed was turned down and beckoned for their bodies, naked and writhing against the pristine white sheets.

She dropped his hand and turned to face him. The stark hunger she saw on his features torched a heat through her that threatened to consume her. As she stared at him, he unzipped his windbreaker and took it off, then unfastened his shoulder holster and laid it and his gun on the top of her dresser.

Only then did he open his arms to her once again. This time when they embraced there was nothing between them, except his T-shirt. She felt the wild thunder of his heartbeat against her own.

Their mouths met in another kiss as his hands caressed up and down her back, molding her to him. She felt his hard arousal and it only shot the desire inside her to a higher level.

As he grabbed her buttocks and pulled her tightly against him, she rocked her hips back and forth, the friction of her jeans and his hardness spiraling her up and half out of control.

His lips left hers and blazed a trail down her jawline and into the hollow of her throat. She dropped her head back, dizzy with pleasure as his lips teased and nipped erotically against her sensitive skin.

“Mark.” She finally managed to breathe his name. Things were moving so fast and they weren’t even partially undressed. She didn’t want this fast and over. It had been so long, and she wanted him slow and in bed with her. She wanted to savor every kiss, each caress.

He stumbled back from her and grinned. “You make me crazy,” he said in a husky voice.

She grinned back. “The feeling is

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