A Profiler's Case for Seduction - By Carla Cassidy Page 0,43

him killed and one of Samuel’s henchmen had put a bullet in Micah’s head, a bullet that hadn’t killed him but had put him into a coma for months. When he regained consciousness he was more than willing to work with the FBI to do whatever necessary to bring Samuel down.

Olivia had worked with Samuel and, one night, had seen him kill a man. Horrified, Olivia had fled with one of her sons, little Sam, but her other son, Ethan, had been left behind at the day-care center.

She’d run from town and headed into the wooded mountains, seeking a safe house that she’d heard had been established for people who wanted out of Perfect. Micah found her and vowed to get her son back for her.

He’d not only returned Ethan to Olivia’s arms, he’d also given her his heart and the two had married a few months ago in a secret ceremony. As far as the people in town were concerned, Micah was Samuel and Olivia was just Samuel’s live-in girlfriend.

“Dora?” Micah’s deep voice filled the line, pulling her from where she’d been lost in thought. She almost smiled as she wondered if maybe Mark’s plunges into introspection were contagious.

“Micah, did I wake you?” she asked.

He released a deep chuckle. “I was awakened about two hours ago with Sam on my chest poking his fingers in my eyes and demanding that I wake up.” There was such happiness in his voice and Dora wished for nothing more for him. “I’ve heard that you’re doing well,” he continued.

“I keep my nose to the grindstone,” Dora replied, unsure how to broach the topic of Mark and her growing feelings for him.

“All work and no play isn’t exactly healthy. I hope you’re taking some time to enjoy life. I know homecoming is coming up there. Are you planning on joining in the madness?”

She laughed. “I think the college board would kick me out if I didn’t show appropriate school spirit. We’re playing our rivals, the Everly College Blue Jays. The Gladiators hate them and they hate the Gladiators.”

“Should be a good game. Everyone plays harder when it’s against archenemies.”

There was a moment of silence and she wondered if he was thinking about how hard he’d had to play to get his archenemy, his twin brother, behind bars.

“There is something else,” Dora said tentatively. “I’ve kind of met somebody.”

There was a small pause. “I assume we’re talking about a man?”

Dora felt the rush of heat to her cheeks. “A very nice man. He’s one of the FBI agents here in town working the murder and kidnapping case. I like him, Micah. I like him a lot and I know he feels the same way about me. We’ve been going out for coffee together and he walks me home from the bookstore, but nothing more than that,” she hurriedly added.

She decided not to tell her brother about the stalking and the incident the night before. He was working his own case and the last thing she wanted was to worry him about something he could do nothing about.

“What’s this all about? Dora, are you asking my permission to have a man in your life?”

“No, I mean, maybe.” She released a sigh. “There’s a part of me that is afraid, Micah. I don’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to men and making good decisions. I don’t want to get off track from my goal to get my degree and move on with my life.”

“Dora, a lot of women have their career and a man in their life,” Micah said gently. “When Melinda and I gave you this opportunity to build something for yourself we put you in a college, not in a nunnery.”

Dora couldn’t help the laughter that burst out of her. “Maybe a nunnery would have been a good idea.” She sobered and continued. “I’ve had a ‘no man allowed’ policy in my life since I started here three years ago and this is the first time I’m tempted to break my policy.”

“Then break it,” Micah replied easily. “You aren’t the same person you were three and a half years ago. My wish for you has always been for you to be happy and lead a healthy, productive lifestyle. You don’t need my permission, Dora. You just need to trust your own judgment.”

A rush of relief shot through her as she realized he was right. She had grown by leaps and bounds in the past three and a half years, leaving

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