The Professor - Kelli Callahan Page 0,19

me.” I’ve been hanging onto his every word for the last two hours until my pesky doubt started creeping in.

“So, why are you staring at me with such...intensity.” He laughs.

I adore the deep, seductive rumble of his laugh. “Well…” I blow out a breath. “Honestly?”

“Please, honestly.”

“I’m wondering what’s wrong with you. You can’t be perfect. No one is.”

Bryce blinks, and I hold my breath. Did I offend him? He wanted honesty. Panic mounts at the thought that I’ve ruined the amazing night with my loose tongue. But his lips slowly curl into a smile. Then he throws his head back and laughs. The sound echoes in the dining room, making me smile. Relief floods me.

“You are…” He shakes his head, still chuckling, “Incredibly refreshing.”

I snort. “Women fall at your feet, I take it.” I know they do, and I don’t blame them. I’m tempted to throw myself at him right now. The way he strokes his chin thoughtfully, brings attention to his square jaw and the appealing shadow of stubble is simply alluring. Then there’s the teasing glint in his eyes that borders on seductive whenever he looks at me.

“Unfortunately, none I’ve ever wanted.”

“There are tons of pictures of you with different females on your arm at various events. You mean to tell me that you didn’t want any of them?” Those women were gorgeous. I’m talking leggy blondes with humongous boobs, socialites, models. Jealousy is gnawing at my gut just thinking about them.

Bryce drapes an arm over my chair, bringing our faces closer. “Honestly?” He mimics me.

So I do the same. “Please, honestly.”

“I don’t want to sound like a dick, but those women didn’t mean much more to me than companionship for a night. They all saw dollar signs when they looked at me. Most women do. It’s been a struggle finding someone who’s into me and not my bank account.”

“Those women must be stupid,” I hear myself say and gasp. There I go thinking out loud again. I eye the empty bottle of wine with accusation. A little alcohol and apparently my mouth takes on a life of its own.

Bryce is wearing a small, satisfied smile. His eyes boring into mine. “You don’t care about what I have.”

“You say that with such certainty, and you don’t know me.”

“I know,” he says and inches closer. “You pretty much insulted me about my privilege the morning you ran from me after class. You scoffed at it.”

Hot faced I force myself not to look away. “Sorry about that. I a mood.”

He chuckles. “You don’t have to wonder what’s wrong with me. If you ask, I’ll tell you.”

I tilt my head to one side and frown. My heart drops. Oh no, is he married or something? “What’s wrong with you?”

“This is our first date and ever since we got here all I’ve been thinking about is spreading you across this table and having you for dinner. Not very gentlemanly.”

Sweet baby Jesus.

I’m gaping stupidly at Bryce but how am I supposed to respond to that? He still holds me captive under his smoldering stare. There’s no trace of humor on his expression. The man is very serious, and I need a change of underwear. Just his admission has fluid seeping between my thighs.

Gulping and finally finding my tongue, I whisper— I haven’t completely regained my voice yet― “If that’s all that’s wrong with you, I can work with that.”

One corner of his mouth lifts into a grin, and he leans even closer. “I’m relieved to hear that.”

His mouth hovers centimeters above mine and is tempting me beyond belief. My breathing is getting unsteady, and I’m getting drunk off of his scent. Whatever cologne he’s wearing is like an aphrodisiac. His eyes drop to my mouth. He’s about to kiss me. I’m craving it. My eyes flutter closed, and I let out a low moan.

To my chagrin, Greta arrives with dessert and Bryce pulls away.

I’ve been hot and bothered since that almost-kiss at dinner. The way my body came to life just at the thought of him kissing me was incredible. What would have happened if he’d actually touched me? I could get into serious trouble with Bryce. By that, I mean, I can already tell he has the power to break my heart. And I’m going to give him even more power. I want to see him again.

“You’ve been quiet.”

I turn to peer at him in the dark car. We’re back in Oak valley, sitting in his car in the vacant lot. Copyright 2016 - 2024