Prisoned - Marni Mann Page 0,12

a few boxes of them in there. They were my favorite—Kyle’s, too—and we’d eat them every morning on our way to school.

I put the sleeve in her hand when we reached the bottom step. “Stay here,” I said.


I opened the fridge. “Yeah?”

“I know you’re getting me more to eat, but I’m really not hungry.” She rubbed a finger over her lips. “I just want to taste you tonight. I’ll eat in the morning before school, I promise.”

I wasn’t used to her speaking this softly, but I liked it. Hell, I wanted so much more of it.

I shut the fridge and moved over to her. With her standing on the first step, we were almost the same height.

I leaned forward and nibbled her bottom lip. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes,” she sighed as I pulled my teeth away. “Keep eating me.”

“I want to.” I gripped her hips. “Every bit of you.” I lifted her off the step and set her by the front door. “Eat those doughnuts before you go to bed. All of them.”

The only way she’d get some sleep was if she put food in her body. The hunger pangs would keep her up all night if she didn’t. She knew how to convince herself she wasn’t hungry, that it didn’t hurt. We all knew how.

I wouldn’t let it happen anymore.


“Eat them for me, Kyle. No excuses.”


I opened the front door and held on to it while she stood in the entryway. “If I kiss you again, there’s a chance I won’t let you leave.”

Her teeth slipped out of her mouth and rubbed across her bottom lip.

“That’s mine,” I reminded her. “Chew on something else…like those doughnuts.”

She laughed. “Got it.”

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

I closed the door behind her and rushed up the stairs to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower. The freezing water hit my chest as I wrapped my hand around my hard dick and tugged. I didn’t have to search my head for an image to jerk off to or picture one of the porn scenes I’d watched. Kyle’s face was what I saw when I closed my eyes. It was her moans I heard in my ears. It was her body I could feel under my fingers.

She was so fucking sexy.

I gripped my dick tighter and twisted my hand as I got closer to the tip, that familiar warmth already starting in my stomach. I pushed my other hand against the back wall and aimed my cock toward the water stream.


My eyes burst open, and I froze as the sound vibrated across my body.

A sound I’d heard too many times before.


I left the water on and hurdled the short step of the tub. I grabbed the towel that hung on the back of the door and threw it around my waist as I ran down the stairs. When I got outside, someone was lying facedown in the middle of the road. The clothes and short hair and the size of the body told me it was a guy.

I hurried over to his side and knelt on the icy ground. “Hey, buddy. I’m going to turn you over, so I can help you.”

He didn’t respond.

I squeezed the back of his jacket and slowly rolled him toward me. There was so much adrenaline running through me. I could barely feel the cold air on my naked skin or the ice and rocks scraping against my knees. The only thing I felt was the stab in my fucking chest when I saw his blood-splattered face.

“No!” I screamed. “Paulie, open your eyes!”

I held my hand against his chest to feel if it was rising and falling and my ear to his face to hear if he was breathing. There was nothing—no movement, no sound.

“Paulie, open your eyes and talk to me!”

I unbuttoned the top of his jacket and saw the bullet hole. It was on the right side of his chest. And there was blood. On his shirt. On the ground. On my hands. A puddle of it pooling around my feet.

“Paulie, come on, open your eyes, buddy.” I checked his pockets for a phone. I didn’t find one. “Help!” I shouted, looking up and down the street.

There was no one on the sidewalk, no one standing on their front steps, no one at their front door, no one looking at me through their windows. Where the hell was everybody?

“Help me!” I put my hands over the bullet hole and tried to Copyright 2016 - 2024