Prisoned - Marni Mann Page 0,105

happens. We grow. We age. We develop scars. And we remember that glimpse. Some are lucky enough to spend the rest of their lives with that person. Some, like me, only have memories.”

I couldn’t breathe. My body was shaking, my knees on the verge of giving out. It wasn’t because his hands were on my throat or that he was holding me too tightly.

It was because those were my words he had spoken.

Words I had said while we were in that prison.

A prison that was supposed to be a dream.

And a dream that I’d had while I was in a coma.

“Now, you have more than just memories,” he said. “You have me. You have us. And, now, we have forever.”

His hands left my body, so I turned around to face him.

His eyes told me everything I needed to know.

And, when I opened my mouth to speak, nothing came out.

But something came out of his.

“Breathe, Kyle.”


Jesse James and Heather Ludviksson, this book started with the two of you. I’ll never forget all those late hours on my lanai, breaking down each layer. I love you both so much. Thank you for being such amazing friends.

Steven Luna, thank you for giving this story all the love and care it needed. As I’ve said to you so many times before, you treat my words as though they were your own. Thank you, thank you, my friend.

Shari Ryan, you’re the most patient, loving, caring friend, and the creations you put together are simply breathtaking. Thank you for giving this book the most gorgeous face, and thank you for everything you do for me. Love you, lady.

Jovana Shirley, it’s such an honor to work with you. You add the most beautiful glow and the most stunning designs to every book. I’m so appreciative of everything you do and everything you teach me.

Linda Russell, thank you for bringing me on and for working so hard on this project. Since the beginning, you’ve known exactly what it needs, and you’ve rocked it out, lady. You amaze me, and I just adore you. XO

Julie Healey-Vaden, I am so grateful to have you, your constant support and your brilliant brain in my life. You are one of the most amazing women, and your passion has made me a better person and a stronger writer. Prisoned wouldn’t have been the same without you. I, most especially, wouldn’t be the same without you. Love you and your bossy ass.

Donna Cooksley Sanderson, you have been the most incredible sidekick and partner in crime throughout this whole journey. Thank you for always letting me lean on you and for being there whenever I need you. I have so much love for you. xx

Sunny Borek, it has been such a privilege and an honor to work with you on this book. I will never be able to thank you for all the time and dedication you put into my words. Beard loves you, and so do I. <3

Kimmi Conner Street, you are the most beautiful friend. Thank you for everything—and I mean everything. Your hugs, your encouragement, your time, your wonderful insight, and especially your friendship. Love you so much.

Jennifer Porpora, you’ve supported me since the beginning, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Thanks for being a part of this, for giving me the best advice, and for making Prisoned so much better because of it. I love your face, and I love you.

Rose, my sweet friend, thank you for all your patience and for translating all of my crazy words. You brought such an awesome twist to this novel, and I appreciate it so much.

Gia Riley, thank you for all the pep talks and for all the virtual tissues you sent my way. I especially thank you for all the laughs. You knew just when I needed them, and each one was appreciated. You, my friend, are amazing. Chomp, chomp.

Special love goes to my COPA ladies, Clarissa Federico LaFirst, Dee Montoya, Melissa Mann, Stacey Jacovina, Heather Hawley, Katie Kinnetz, Katy Truscott, Allie Burke, Liz Milner, Katie Amanatidis, Missy Domson, and Diane Dacey. I’m so grateful to have you all in my life.

Mom and Dad, thanks for your unwavering belief in me and your constant encouragement. It means more than you’ll ever know.

My Midnighters, you are such a supportive, loving, motivating group. Thanks for being such an inspiration, for holding my hand when I need it, and for always begging for more words. I love you all.

To all the bloggers who read, review, share, post, tweet, Instagram—Thank you, thank you, thank you, will never be enough. You do so much for our writing community, and we’re so appreciative.

To my readers, I cherish each and every one of you. I’m so grateful for all the love you show my books, for taking the time to reach out to me, for your passion and enthusiasm. I love, love, love you all.

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