The Prince's Devious Proposal - Holly Rayner Page 0,62

the picture taking was finished, everyone returned to Petr and Naomi’s house for the reception. Tables had been set up in the open courtyard, and musicians had set up on the second-floor balcony. Glasses of champagne were poured, and the seafood dishes Petr and Naomi had chosen for the occasion were served.

Sarah came up to the small table where Petr and Naomi were eating. “I can’t believe this is really your house,” she said, looking around the courtyard. “It’s huge.”

Naomi nodded. “I can’t quite believe it myself,” she said, giggling. She had been full of nervous energy all day, unable to keep herself from laughing at even the most mundane things. “I’m so glad you’re staying with us for the week, Sarah. You’re going to adore Barcelona.”

“I’m just excited that you have a beach,” Sarah said. “I’m going to spend ten hours a day out there.”

“I’ll definitely join you for that,” Naomi said. Not for the first time, she reflected on what a blessing it was to control her own work schedule. As a songwriter, it was easy to decide to put her work aside for a few weeks to finalize her wedding plans and to enjoy Sarah’s visit. She hadn’t even had to ask anyone’s permission.

“The kids are running around upstairs,” Sarah said. “I hope that’s all right. Harry is with them. He’ll make sure they don’t make a mess of anything.”

“Of course it’s all right,” Naomi said. “Our house is a kid-friendly place.”

Petr’s lips twitched in the barest hint of a smile, but he said nothing.

Sarah returned to her seat beside Mari, the lead singer of the Desert Flowers. Naomi watched as the two of them engaged each other in conversation. There was something thrilling about seeing her sister and her old tour mate bonding, and knowing that they were both here because of her.

Petr’s father approached their table next. He was a fit-looking man with tidy gray hair and bright green eyes that matched his son’s. Naomi wondered whether this was what Petr would look like when they got older.

If so, I can definitely deal with it.

“Congratulations to you both,” Mr. Agridis said. “Welcome to the family, Naomi.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Please,” he said. “Call me Anton.”

“Anton,” she said, wondering how long it would take her to get used to that.

He looked at her appraisingly. “I suppose you and I have some ground to make up, don’t we?” he asked.

Naomi was surprised that he was confronting the issue so directly. “I suppose we do,” she said.

“No need to discuss the matter now,” Anton said. “We have plenty of time to get to know one another better, you and I. But I want you to know that Petr’s mother and I can see how happy you’ve made our son. That’s worth more to us than anything. We are very, very sorry for what happened—for what our actions put your though. We’re very hopeful that we’ll be able to move past our inauspicious beginnings and become family.”

Naomi smiled. “Thank you. I’d really like that,” she said.

Tentatively, he reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder, and Naomi was reminded of the way her own father used to do the same thing at the end of a long day.

“Good,” Anton said. “I look forward to getting to know you better, Naomi.” He smiled and walked away.

“He means it, doesn’t he,” Naomi said. It wasn’t a question. She could tell by Anton’s face and tone of voice how sincere he was.

“He does,” Petr said. “They’ve both expressed to me how much they regret what happened. They’re a little nervous to talk to you about it. I think the plan we made was easier to conceive of when we were desperate, and when we weren’t thinking of the person we were targeting as someone real. Now that they’ve met you… They’re good people. It’s hard for them to confront what we almost did. They feel badly about it. They want your forgiveness.”

“They’ll get it,” Naomi said. “I’m not angry anymore. The fact that you admitted what was going on and put a stop to it before any harm could be done speaks volumes. And besides, we’ve been together for a year now. Our story is so much bigger than just that one chapter.”

“It’s true,” Petr said. “I only wish you’d had a chance to get to know my parents before the wedding.”

“So do I,” Naomi said. “But we have the rest of our lives. There’s no reason to hurry things.”

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