The Prince's Devious Proposal - Holly Rayner Page 0,34

she said.

“We never would have been able to see this on a plane,” he said.

“I suppose not.”

“When we get to Rome, I’ll buy some travel sickness medicine,” he said. “There’s a little patch you can put behind your ear that will help. That way, you won’t have this problem if we take another train.”

Naomi wanted to ask why they couldn’t just fly wherever they went from now on. What would be the big deal? Was the authentic experience really that important?

But he was the one paying for everything, and she didn’t want to seem ungrateful. She nodded and forced herself to smile. “That sounds perfect,” she said.

They stayed in another rental property in Rome. This one was a downtown apartment. “It’s right in the center of the city,” Petr said happily. “We can walk to the Colosseum from here.”

“It is a really nice location,” Naomi said, remembering how they had had to take a car to get to the center of Barcelona from their estate. “Does your family not own property in Rome either, then?”

His gaze flicked away from her. “No, we don’t,” he said.

There was something evasive about his tone, and Naomi wanted to question him further, but he took her hand and pulled her toward the door before she could say anything.

“Come on,” he said. “Let’s go out. This is such a beautiful city. We don’t want to waste a moment indoors!”

Naomi allowed herself to be pulled out the door and onto the street. Mopeds wove in and out of each other, their drivers hurrying to unknown destinations. Locals walked or rode bicycles, and tourists stood around consulting their phones for directions.

“There,” Petr said, pointing. “A gelato stand! Do you like gelato?”

“I’ve never had it,” Naomi said.

“What? Never? They have gelato in the States.”

“I know,” Naomi said. “I’ve just never been that adventurous with my food. I like vanilla ice cream.”

“Well, you have to eat gelato in Rome,” Petr said firmly.

“Another authentic experience?”

“That’s right.” He led her over to a stone fountain in the middle of the plaza. “Sit here. I’ll go get you something.”

“I don’t get to choose my own?”

“No, I’m not going to have you choosing vanilla. This is about trying something new. Sit.”

She sat obediently and looked around as Petr went to get the gelato.

The plaza was full of people. Young couples walked hand in hand, clearly in their own little world. Children ran and shouted while parents sat on the side of the fountain near Naomi and watched indulgently. It was the kind of scene she’d seen a hundred times back in LA, but there was something that made it uniquely Italian today.

Maybe it was the old cobblestone street that looked as if it had been here for hundreds of years. Maybe it was the fact that this fountain looked like an artifact from another time. Or maybe it was something deeper, more cultural. The way these people looked at each other, as if they all knew one another. As if they were friends. That wasn’t the sort of thing you saw back home.

Naomi had to admit, she really liked it there. She was glad they had come.

Petr returned with two bowls of gelato. “Panna cotta or hazelnut?” he asked, offering them to her.

“Can I try some of each?” she asked, giving him her best smile, her eyebrows raising.

He grinned. “I was hoping you would say that,” he said and handed her a spoon. “This one’s the hazelnut.”

She took a bite. It was a rich, sweet, delicious flavor, akin to peanut butter, but more subtle. “I like it,” she said.

He nodded. “That one’s my favorite.”

“Oh! Then you should have it.” She tried to give it back to him.

He laughed and held up his hands, refusing to take it. “This is about you trying new things,” he said. “If you like it, that’s a good thing. Maybe we’ll get some and keep it in our house someday.”

“Does that mean you’re ready to talk about where we’re going to live?” she asked.

“I assumed you would want to stay in LA,” he said.

“I do,” she agreed. “But LA is a big place. I was guessing you wouldn’t want to move into my condo with me.”

“Probably not. No offense to it.”

“None taken. I never saw it as a permanent home,” she said. “Should we look for a place together?”

He hesitated. “We don’t need to decide right now,” he said.

“We need to decide pretty soon, right?” she countered. “We’ll be going back home in less than a week, and Copyright 2016 - 2024