The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,95

but water,” I muttered to myself. I didn’t even want to eat in the morning out of fear that I would get sick. Walking over to the balcony, I opened the doors and inhaled the fresh, warm summer air.

I was glad my room overlooked the cherry blossom garden. They were beautiful in the day, but at night, they had a whole aura around them. Leaning against the balcony, I found myself even wanting to wish upon a star.

“That’s a good girl. That’s a good girl.”

Glancing over the edge, near the brushes of the trees, dressed in dark-blue pajamas, was someone sitting down, petting the royal dog. Was that the king? I checked all around to see if anyone else was near, his nurse, his guard, assistant, or anyone. But he was there just humming to himself—alone!

Quickly, I rushed back into the room, putting down my glass and grabbing my robe instead before making my way out. I didn’t even realize I was running until I nearly slipped down the stairs. I grabbed the staircase rail, catching myself, and then taking off my slippers, I continued to rush down. I hoped someone else would notice and already be there. But when I reached the garden exit and saw him still there playing with Persephone, I put back on my slippers to walk out onto the grass.

“Your Majesty?” I called to get his attention.

As he turned to me, I wasn’t sure what state he was in. But he frowned and spoke in Ersovian. “I thought all the help and staff had gone to bed?”

Well, obviously, he didn’t think of me as a member of the family. And I didn’t want to upset him, so I just smiled and shook my head. “I was about to, sir. However, I saw you out here with no assistance.”

His head tilted to the side. “You are not from here?”

I cringed. “My Ersovian is that bad?”

“No, no, it’s fine enough. It is just your accent truly gives you away, though.” He laughed at me. “Where are you from?”

“America. Seattle, specifically,” I answered, and he laughed. But I didn’t know what was so funny. “Sir?”

“Forgive me, I did not mean to laugh,” he said. “But it is just amusing. One of the queen’s favorite movies is Sleepless in Seattle. And here you are sleepless.”

I wasn’t expecting that or that information on the queen. But it was a bit funny. “Yes, apparently, we Seattleites are sleepless anywhere we are.”

“Seattleite?” he repeated the word, not understanding.

“It’s what we call people from Seattle.”

“Ah.” The king nodded, lifting Persephone and stroking her head. “With that accent, you can’t possibly be a member of staff here. I mistook you. So, what brings you to my palace, Ms...”

“Odette. Odette Wyntor.” And what brought me to his palace? His son. But I didn’t want to give him a heart attack or something. “Umm. I’m one of the commencement speakers for Royal University tomorrow.”

“Is that so? You must be highly accomplished.”

“Hardly,” I scoffed. “My father was the highly accomplished one. I’ve just ridden on his coattails. My singing is not good enough for me to do any commencement speaking.”

“If you think that of yourself, what could you possibly think of me.” He snickered, rubbing the back of Persephone’s ear.

“I don’t understand.”

“Aren’t kings just riding on coattails of their fathers and forefathers?”

Crap. “I didn’t mean it—”

“I know.” He nodded. “You meant to say you are unworthy. And yet here you are, Miss Wyntor. No matter how you got here, you are here. I felt that way once, when I received these trees.”

“Your coronation.” I smiled, remembering what Gale had just told me a few days ago. “They came from the Japanese emperor.”

He nodded, smiling in return. “You know your history. Yes, when I received these trees from the emperor, I thought, ‘What will this kingdom look like when they are fully grown? How can I possibly lead it as my father once did?’ All I did was be born, and yet that was my qualification. That small act that was not even of my choosing was all anyone needed. They all looked at me, and yet I was terrified.”

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be hearing this or if I heard it right, but it was amazing to me nevertheless. “From everything I’ve seen, you’ve done amazingly. People here love you, sir.”

He grinned and glanced back to me with an eyebrow raised, and at that moment, he looked a lot like Gale. “Yes, well, thank Copyright 2016 - 2024