The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,84

even asked me where we are going, even though you hate surprises,” he teased me.

And he was right. I really was just that happy to be out. To see streets, the people, the life that was happening freely right outside. People and dogs, sitting at café’s, drinking and laughing and going to work. It was good to see the world was normal, even as I wasn’t.

He turned on the music, and the sound of the pop-ish rap music that came through startled me for a moment. I looked over to him, and he put on his sunglasses and started to dance as he drove. He grinned, and I couldn’t help it; I laughed...and danced along with him.

It felt good to get away.

The sound of her laugher renewed all of me. I did my best to stay focused on the road, but as she relaxed and became more comfortable...thus quieter, she stared out the window, breathing in slowly. I wanted to believe that she was merely captivated by the city of Erelis and not pondering all the other things hurting her, hurting us. I hadn’t told her the complete truth. My mother and I did quarrel. She was not pleased that I had proclaimed she had given us permission before she actually had. And I had said some harsh things to her. But in the end, it was worth it because she finally did agree, and now we were out. Odette was out, even if it was only for a few hours.

“Where are we going exactly?” she finally asked as we drove farther out of the city.

I smiled. Now she was coming back. “It’s a surprise.”

“I do not like surprises, Gale.”

“But I do. Wait, haven’t we had this conversation before?”

She rolled her eyes, looking out the window again, then back at me. “Are we still in Erelis?”

“We are entering Arvendon.” She had no idea where that was, but hey, this was a good time to learn. “It is just a little bit outside of the city. Don’t worry. I will bring you back before the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella.”

“I like bevilën better now.”

I chuckled. “Shall we come up with a system? Cinderella, when you are being difficult—”

“Difficult? Cinderella is not difficult! She is practical!”

“Yes, very practical having mice make her clothes and whatnot.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she shook her head. “I do not know why I bother.”

“Me either. So, Cinderella, for when you are difficult or driving me mad. Bevilën, when you are so sweet that my heart swells. Odette for when we are in public—”

“And what exactly will I call you, huh? Your Royal Highness? Galahad, Gale?”

“Well, I was hoping you’d come up with something a little more endearing,” I shot back, parking the car. “Something like sweetie, baby, love.”

“I hardly think it would be appropriate to call you baby, Gale.”

“Didn’t you promise me you wouldn’t think—”

“Was that for the rest of my life?”

I shifted and turned to her. “Fine, I’ll leave you to think of a good nickname then. Until then, come on.”

Her head whipped back to look at where we were, obviously only now noticing we had stopped.

“Horses?” She gasped, already opening the door before I could. “We are going horseback riding?”

“Well, you loved it so much the first time, and I wanted you to meet a special horse,” I said, closing the door behind.

She grinned from ear to ear. “Ass? You are taking me to meet your horse.”

Taking her hand, I led her to the stables. At the end of the road, two older men, Mr. Sorkins and Mr. Pepes waited for us, as well as some other stable hands.

“Your Highness. Miss.” They bowed. “We are so pleased you both could come.”

“We are happy to be here. How is our new addition?”

“Settling in quite nicely. Would you like to see him? He is a beauty.”

I nodded.

“You got another horse?” Odette whispered as we walked into a stable.

I still didn’t answer, just took us farther and farther inside until we arrived at the dark-haired horse with a white underbelly and mark on his forehead shaped like a maple leaf.

Immediately, she let go of my hand, stepping forward. “Maple?” She spun back to look at me. “No way.”

I nodded.

“Maple?” She laughed again, going up to the horse. He was startled at first, then sniffed once again before moving closer. “Hey, boy! Hey! Look at you! Oh, my God. Gale, how?”

Stepping up beside her, I said. “Magic.”

She scoffed but let it go, brushing through Maple’s coat. The truth was, Copyright 2016 - 2024