The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,81

watch, which was why I rarely visited him, but at the same time, I was grateful to speak to him, to learn from him. I regretted all the time I had wasted in the past. I knew there was nothing I could do about it now, but it did not change the way I felt. I didn’t want to add to the list of my regrets.

“Balduin,” I called when I stepped back into the hall.

“Yes, sir?”

“Where is Odette now?”

“I believe she should be at the princess’ afternoon luncheon.”

I grinned. “Perfect.”


“The last time I had a lunch-in, I was fourteen.” Eliza huffed as we waited in the sitting area beside the Victorian room, where today’s lunch-in was to take place. “And it was horrid. Half of them were blowing smoke, as you Americans say, and the other half were making fun of me. They all had dinner at Lady Whistzle’s place that same night to laugh at me. They called me Carrot-top and said my outfit looked like it was made of neon highlighters.”

I knew why she was telling me this. It was the same reason why she had to have this lunch-in, to begin with—me. Because of the bad press about Gale and me, the queen wanted to show that all was well. But she didn’t trust me outside of the palace just yet. And so she had forced all the most notable women between mine and Eliza’s age to gather here for lunch. She wanted to show that I was adjusting fine, and nothing the press could or had said had reached me.

Eliza was trying her best to prepare me now by telling me nothing I did here would make them kinder or less vicious. It was their way of managing the situation, seeing as Gale and I truly weren’t talking to each other. And I didn’t know who was at fault anymore. The day after our fight, after I had cried my eyes out and was calm again, I wanted to talk to him, but he had left to go somewhere south. Then when he came back, I was too nervous to see him. So, I avoided him. Then it felt like he was avoiding me. I didn’t know what was happening anymore, so I quietly just kept to my schedule, and the days rolled on.

“Odette? Odette?”

I glanced away from the painting I wasn’t looking back to Eliza as she called for me, a frown on her pretty face. How could anyone make fun of her when she was so uniquely beautiful.

“Do not worry.” She stepped forward. “I’m not fourteen anymore. I am not on my mother’s level yet, but I have mastered how to rip into others politely.”

I smiled. “Let’s hope it does not come to that.”

“Yes, let’s hope.” At the sound of her voice, I already wished to give up and go back to my lessons.

“Sophia?” Eliza spoke, releasing me and looking over my shoulder at the woman who came in. “I was not aware you were joining us.”

“Do you wish me not to?”

I turned around to see Sophia dressed in black once again, like a ghost haunting me for some sin I did not know I had committed.

“Of course not. You are always welcome,” Eliza replied, though she did give me a slight glance.

When Sophia’s eyes shifted to me, I curtsied slightly, and she nodded, stepping farther into the drawing room.

Just like that, Eliza’s rambling came to an end. We moved to our places at the door. Eliza was in the center, and Sophia was on her right, where I was supposed to stand had it only have been the two of us.

As we waited, I quickly worked to remember everyone’s name and title in my head. Wolfgang had made a booklet for me to study beforehand. He’d even gotten a photo for each and every one of them.

“Her Royal Highness, Princess Eliza,” called the doorman as the doors open, and I immediately put a slight smile on my face as every lady there turned to look at us.

And I thought I was ready. I thought I was going to be able to handle it.

However, the moment I locked eyes with Sabina, who was crowded on every side by other ladies, a part of my chest tightened, and I felt sick. I wanted to turn and just walk away. But my body kept moving forward behind Eliza, greeting everyone as we finally reached our table.

“Odette, I’d like you to meet one of my oldest and Copyright 2016 - 2024