The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,75

are some people I wish to introduce you to.”

I let him lead me back up to the palace only because I did not want to insult him publicly. This was crazy. All of this was crazy. Why was I here? Why was I putting myself through these insults? Was it really worth it? I was an heiress. I could marry any Joe off the street and go live a luxurious, grand life on a yacht somewhere, where no one was ignoring, insulting, or pushing me. I could be living a dream without a crown. My father had worked too damn hard in life for me to begin to hate my own.

“Why am I here?” I whispered and paused right in the middle of the greenery.

When he looked back at me, it was clear he heard me, though how he did over the commotion of everything else I was not sure.

But his eyes were filled with shock and hurt as he just stared dumbfounded. He turned and stepped right up to me.

“Gale, there are eyes—”

“You are here because I am here. And you love me.”

“Gale.” I hissed, trying to remind him where we were. But for some reason, he was not paying attention nor seemed to care. So, I tried once more. “Please, people are watching.”

“Let us give them something to talk about then,” he snapped, pulling me to him, and before I could do anything, his lips were on mine.

The queen was going to snip off my fingers.

The press was going to crucify me.

Everyone at this party was witness to this scandal.

He should have stopped, but when I did not kiss him back, he pulled me closer, his arms wrapping around me. I was pissed.

One, he destroyed all the effort I had put in for this event. Two, at this moment, the freedom I thought I was finding again vanished as I kissed him back. All of me ached from the press of his body against mine. My fingers tingled, and I could feel the heat rising in my neck. So, when he slowly lifted his head from mine and smiled, I wanted to punch him in the face. He knew the effect he had on me, and he was abusing that power.

“You are here because I am here. And you love me.” He repeated it as if it were law.

And I could not argue or yell in his face like I wanted to as the people around us began to clap.

We pulled back, our hands still linked, though, by his choice, not mine, I might add. Once more, I was forced to nod and smile at the gathering of people who were cheering—up until my eyes connected with the queens. She was not clapping. She was still as stone, glaring with the fury of thousand dead queens.

In the back of mind, all I heard was snip.

Chapter 17

Was I losing my sanity?

Because it felt like I was.

How was it possible for one woman to single-handedly disrupt all 100 billion neurons in my brain? Honestly, the woman had me twisted in knots. I wanted to yell at her. I wanted to say to hell with it all. I wanted to talk. I wanted her to talk, and at the same time, especially considering what she had said earlier, I feared what she would say when she did speak. There was just so much space between us, and it was driving me mad because while I felt as though I was trying to close it, she was once again running from me.

“Why am I here?”

Of all the things she could have said, those four words had to be the worst. I would have even preferred if she said she did not love me. Because at least then, I would know she was lying or scared. But no, she said, “Why am I here?” which basically translated to loving you is not worth it. It took all my strength at that moment to not unleash the rage I felt. It was either kiss her or curse her. I thought I had chosen the more rational option, but as we reentered the palace, she yanked her hand away, refusing even to spare me a glance, let alone a word as we walked through the corridor.

“Her Majesty wishes to see you in the drawing room,” Ambrose said, not to me but Odette.

She lifted her head and snickered bitterly before nodding. “Of course, please, by all means, lead me to the drawing room.”

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