The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,60


Wednesday, May 23

“The Palace Is Worried About Being Embarrassed By Odette Wyntor!”

It is customary for there to be at least one royal sighting after the introduction is made. However, one week later, Odette Wyntor still has not left the palace.

Our sources tell us it is because of how poorly trained Odette Wyntor is for her new rule. They worry she will embarrass the royal family and, therefore, have tried to hold off on allowing her outside the place.

The Morning Eagle

Friday, May 25

“Royal fail!”

Odette Wyntor commits “royal faux pas” as she is spotted crossing her legs during her FIRST public outing with HRH Princess Elizarosa for the Countess of Goscutan’s 29th birthday.

Her Royal Highness and the countess all sat as custom, with the duchess slant.

Is she even trying to learn protocol? This is the easiest one.

Apparently, Wyntor managed to offend the countess by refusing to curtsy to her, stating that she is the future Adelina and, therefore, should not have to, even if she is not yet married to Prince Galahad.

The Morning Eagle

Friday, June 2

“Odette Wyntor Snubs Her Sister!”

Augusta Wyntor-Washington, Odette Wyntor’s younger sister, claims her sister has snubbed her.

Now that Odette is to become a royal, she does not bother to talk to her sister anymore, telling media sources in America that she “has no idea what is going on in her sister’s life.”

Apparently, Odette did not even tell her sister that she was engaged to Prince Galahad, and she found out about it in the news.

Chapter 14

“And that is all for today, miss,” stated my Ersovian history tutor, Mr. Tabellion, as he closed his notes. “Do you have any questions for me?”

I thought for a moment before remembering something I had wanted to ask earlier. “Yes. My secretary—his name is Sir Wolfgang von Wolfgang XII. He tried to tell me the reason behind his title but was interrupted on the first day I came here. Something about the order of something.”

“Ah.” Mr. Tabellion wrapped his arms around himself and stroked his beard, something I had noticed he did a lot. “The Order of the Fallen Knights.”

“Yes, that is it.” I nodded. “What is that?”

“Ah, well, good question.” He grinned, and he reminded me of a professor. He enjoyed teaching. “About three hundred and twelve years ago, a faction in the military rose to overthrow the king and end the House of Monterey.”

“So, a coup?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Their plans for a coup d’état had gained some support of a few other nobles too. So, a scheme was hatched to massacre the royal family on Christmas night. One thousand soldiers stormed the palace gates, and most of the guards abandoned their posts, except for two dozen knights who refused to abandon their king.”

“They stormed this palace?”

He shook his head. “No, Marimier’s Palace, in the southern region of Chourmondeley.”

He must have seen the confusion on my face, so he lifted his tablet to show me a map of the country. “Remember, Ersovia has been divided administratively into twenty-two regions. This one is Chourmondeley, where the House of Monterey originates. Every other Christmas or New Year’s, they go back there.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

“As I was saying, the knights were able to hold off the traitors until dawn, allowing the king and his family to escape. The king returned with his navy and ten thousand men, crushing the rebellion to the ground. However, of the two dozen knights, only one survived long enough for the king to return. On his death bed, the king said he and the other men were noble and, therefore, should be made nobility. However, the knight said his greatest honor was to be a knight and serve and protect his king. The king created The Order of the Fallen Knights for the twenty-four men who died protecting him. He proclaimed that for as long as their bloodlines continued and they remained loyal, they and their descendants would always be considered knights and welcome into his palace.”

“So, for the last three hundred years, there has been a Wolfgang von Wolfgang working in the palace? So, Wolfgang—the current Wolfgang—is named after his ancestor, the first Wolfgang von Wolfgang?”

“Exactly, miss.” He nodded approvingly.

“Do all of the descendants pass down their names? So, Iskandar’s name is Iskandar Ruegg XV, then or something?”

“No, the first Ruegg knight was named Matevos. So, it is not a tradition of all their families.”

“They are knights. The modern-day would-be guard. So why is he a secretary and not a guard?”

“Another good question.” He stroked his beard again. Copyright 2016 - 2024