The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,26

and smile were very well done, my dear. However, your curtsy needs a bit of work. It does not need to be so low; nevertheless, it will do.”

“Thank you—”

“Do you know what would have happened had there been any mistake?” Her attention and lecture returned to Gale. “It would have been news for days. The last thing you both need is a further spectacle!”

“Yes, Mother, I understand, and it will not happen again.”

“Of course, it will not happen again. You only get one introduction. That is why it is so important!”

“Mother, I beg of you, spare me.” Gale reached out, taking her hands. “If not for my sake, then for Odette’s. I believe you are scaring her.”

“I’m good. I’m glad someone else yells at you. She is absolutely right,” I said louder, and when I spoke, everyone who was there, with the expectation of the guards, turned their eyes to me. Was I not supposed to speak yet?

“And she is wise, I see. That is very good.” The queen nodded at me.

He gasped. “Odette has not even called her own mother.”

“Did you give her time?”

“You did not give me time.” We both spoke at the same time.

“Dear God.” He looked between the both of us in horror. “I am marrying my mother.”

“If you could only be so lucky.” The queen sighed.

“And I did give you time, Odette. You said you were saving your energy,” Gale said to me.

I looked away, scratching my ear as if I did not hear him.

“Oh, okay, I see you are taking sides with my mother?”

I looked down at the dog, now sniffing at my heels. “Hi, boy.”

“It’s a she,” Eliza said as I glanced back up to find her arms crossed over her body and her head held high. “And both she and I are wondering what changed your mind so quickly? Yesterday, you were all high-and-mighty about how you would not be here, and yet here you are. So, were you messing with me yesterday? Or did you just want to see the palace before leaving him?”


“I am definitely here for the palace,” I said, interrupting Gale before he spoke up. “Will you be giving me the tour?”

Again, a few eyes fell on me in shock. And I really wished I would stop talking so I could figure out what I should be saying, but I guessed it was still the adrenaline pumping through me. Eliza’s eyes narrowed on me.

“I will give you a tour if you sing for me.”

Gale tried to cut in again. “Eliza, she is not your personal—”

“My voice is worth more than a tour, so we will have to come to some new arrangement. But if you are in, I am in.” I held out my hand to her.

She looked at it and then me.

“I knew you would be cool.” She shook it once and bent down to pick up the dog. “Persephone, say hi to our new sister.”

“Eliza, that is enough. They both have things they must do,” her mother said as she walked up to me, her hands clasped together. She looked me up and down. “You are very pretty.”

“Thank you.”

“I was not trying to compliment you. I was stating a fact,” the queen replied, her voice unnerving. “More facts, your jewelry and clothing choice was appropriate enough, though very flashy and the color a little bright for a first introduction. Nevertheless, it will do. It has to. You did well under the circumstances. However, today is the easiest day you shall have for quite some time. Being pretty is not enough. Many people are pretty. You need to be smart and decisive. I do know the circumstances which caused today, but they cannot happen again. We have order and protocol here. And now that you have crossed those gates and entered this threshold, you are beholden to them as we all are. Am I understood?”

“Yes...” I nodded. “Your Highness?”

“Majesty,” she corrected. “You will be given tutors. You must learn quickly. Now you must both go see the king and take more photos with the press with your ring.” Her eyes shot down to my hand. “Where is the ring?”

“Here, Mother,” Gale stated, opening the box for her to see.

“Ambrose, explain everything to her while I change from this ridiculous outfit,” she said, turning away from me and going up the stairs with Eliza. The welcoming party that had come to see me all went with her or disappeared through some door or down a hallway.

In her place, Copyright 2016 - 2024