The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,16

to say?”

“It came to me,” he said, wiping the tears from my eyes. “So, do not give up on us yet. We have barely even started.”


“Why can’t you just let us go? Why do you want to do this?”

He looked me over, his eyes filled with something else now—sadness. “Since my brother died, every second of every day, I have been the Adelaar to everyone, even my mother. I’ve wanted to be just Gale again. I have been trying for months to be me in this role, only to be beaten down. And then you just show up, and all of a sudden, I feel like me again. Even now, as you try to run away from me, as you lie and tell me you do not care about me, I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. When I found out you were here, it was as if fireworks had been set off inside me. I rushed through the dinner tonight, as you were all I could think about. I would have run through the palace and into a taxi if Iskandar didn’t talk some sense into me. I could not wait to come and see you. So, I am holding on, Odette. I will not let you burn to keep me warm, but I will burn everything else so you can stay. So stay.”

He did not give me a chance to answer. His lips met mine, and I found myself melting into him. The little fight I had vanished, and I could still taste my wine on his tongue. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me toward him. Turning us both onto the bed, he kissed down the side of my face, his lips on my neck.

“Say you will stay with me?” he whispered into my ear before biting the lobe. “Promise you will stay with me.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hugged him.

I’m so stupid.

This was totally not a breakup.

The one thing I’d come to do and I’d failed...just like my mom thought I would.

When I got attached, I really didn’t know how to detach myself.

“You have to say it, Odette.” He hugged me tightly. “I’m begging you; please say it.”

Every time I wanted him to let go, he held me tighter.

“I-I will stay.”

God, please help me, I thought as he kissed the side of my face, down my neck to my chest, kissing right above my heart.

I could feel him.

How hard he was getting against me.

But he stopped kissing and inhaled deeply, hovering over me. When he finally lifted his head, I found myself staring into his eyes, desperate for him. Instead, he said, “Rest, you’ve had a long day.”

“Is that all you want to do? Rest?” I asked, reaching and touching his head. Now that I had completely lost, I was just giving in.

“No,” he replied, shifting his body weight above me. “I want you naked under me. I want to be in you. I want to feel you against me and hear you moan my name. I make love to you until the sun comes up, Odette.”

“Then do it.” God, I-I’m pitiful.

“The moment we get back to the palace.” He kissed my forehead before getting off me. Again, he took a deep breath and repeated the words. “Sleep. You’re going to the need the rest.”

I nodded, holding on to him.

Maybe this was a dream, and when I woke up, reality would slap me across the face again.

I held on to her, comforted by her breathing as she slept. It was clear how terrified she was. And my heart ached, knowing that choosing me was so hard for her. Us being together should be a moment of joy, yet I could sense how anxious she was.

I should let her go.

This was now so much more complicated.

There would be an uproar.

It was selfish of me to put her through this when even I wanted to run. But the moment Iskandar had told me she came to divorce me, I knew for sure, it had to be her. She had to be the one I spent the rest of my life with. Why? Because she was the only one trying to escape. It was amusing how the human brain worked. We wanted what we shouldn’t have. We wanted harder, not easier. I wanted someone true. I wanted someone to look at me and want me for me, not my title. Everyone who came before her wanted to be the wife of a prince. They Copyright 2016 - 2024