The Prince's Bride Part 2 - J.J. McAvoy Page 0,14

only be shown mercy by the sovereign.” He held my hands tighter and pulled me onto the bed beside him. “However, that can get complicated, so let us handle this ourselves.”

“Brilliant, I want a divorce.”

His eyes narrowed, and he eyed me carefully. “Fine, but how much are you giving me in spousal support?”

I felt my jaw detach from the rest of my face. “How much am I giving you? You are a freaking prince.”

A wicked grin spread on his face. “And so? You are a billionaire heiress. You cannot just expect me to take nothing. I am at least entitled to half.”

“You—You gold digger.”

He shrugged. “I will tell the judge you knew that before you married me.”

I yanked my arms away, wanting to smack the hell out of him. But I took another deep breath. Maybe he was drunk already. Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I had fallen asleep in front of the television, and this was just my mind playing tricks on me. Either way, I wanted to keep as calm and rational as possible.


“Yes, Odette,” he said my name with a smile.

Ignoring him, I went on, “When we got married, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. Everything was different. We were just going to be a duke and duchess. Come out for the press, then hide away. But then the world shifted under our feet. It is not our fault. These last few months, I have been thinking and—”

“The vows I made,” he interrupted me, taking my hand back into his. “Has the time apart made you forget them?”


“‘Odette, because of you, I laugh, I smile, and I dare to dream of a future that is worthy of poets. The reasons that brought us together weren’t the best or the most romantic, but I am glad for them nevertheless, and I swear to you, from now until the day I die, your dreams are my dreams. Your joy is my joy. Your pain is my pain, and I will never betray you. You are now my body, my mind, my soul, and my heart. You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars,” he repeated, gripping me tighter. “I told you I would send for you when things calmed down. But they never did, Odette. Every day, every hour, and every second, something was calling for the Adelaar’s attention, and I was the one everyone was looking at for answers. I followed your advice and took it one problem at a time. Why? Because I trusted you would keep your promise. Do you remember what that was?”

I didn’t answer.

“I asked you, ‘Promise me you will be patient with me on the days I am not so romantic,’ and you said?”

I hung my head. “I said, ‘I promise.’ But I promised to moments not months.”

“Months are just a measure of time to record moments.”

“Gale. I’m serious.”

He frowned, sighing. “And I am serious as well.”

“It’s been months. It’s not like we can just pick up where we left off.”


“What do you mean why—”

“Nothing about how I felt about you, how I still feel about you, has changed, Odette. Nothing.”

“Well, my feelings have changed!” That’s a lie. “And my feelings are what matters to me. I’m moving on from all of this. From you. I want my life back now.”

He stared at me for a long time. Was it a long time? I wasn’t sure. Staring into his eyes, I wasn’t sure of anything but the fact that my heart kept shaking. And the more he stared, the more I felt...weak.

“So,” I went on as he was silent, “please don’t make this hard for me, Gale. We will just go as we have been going on for the last few months. Our own way. You’re a great guy, so I’m sure you’ll find—”

“Are you running because you are scared?”

“I am not scared!” I said quickly, even though that wasn’t completely true.

“Odette,” he whispered, frowning slightly, shifting to move closer to me. “I know you are scared because I am also scared.”

Our eyes met again, and now, because we were so close, I could see the lines under his eyes. Now that he was this close to me, he looked like a completely different man on the television.

“I am sorry I did not call or write. Truly, I am sorry. It was wrong of me. I should have done better. I will do better. I swear,” he said and placed his warm hand on my cheek again. “The world might not Copyright 2016 - 2024